Server crashes and map corruptions

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Server crashes and map corruptions

by RAPHAEL » Tue Nov 01, 2011 09:14

I'm new to Minetest but like it rather much. I started up a dedicated server to test out and everything was fine and dandy until a few hours of playing later I disconnected and tried reconnecting about 15 minutes later. After the reconnecting the map was totally messed up beyond repair (I suspect a corruption) which then crashed the server. Four hours of building gone.

I'm not for certain if the following debug contains the errors or not but it's provided just in case. I deleted the messed up map and created a new one. It seems the server likes to crash when I disconnect.

The setup:
Minetest server on its own box on local lan. Me connecting to it from another computer.
Version of server: minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32


Debug streams initialized, disable_stderr=0
04:44:58: minetest with SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST=20, VER=0.2.20110922_3 RUN_IN_PLACE=1 USE_GETTEXT=0 INSTALL_PREFIX=//Vboxsvr/home-celeron55/minetest_install_win32 BUILD_TYPE=Release
Error opening configuration file "C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//minetest.conf"
Error opening configuration file "C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//../minetest.conf"
INFO: Initial run of init_mapnode with g_texturesource=NULL. If this segfaults, there is a bug with something not checking for the NULL value.
INFO: Settings: Setting not found: "enable-unittests"
04:44:59: INFO: Initializing new map.
04:44:59: ServerMap: Saving whole map, this can take time.
INFO: ServerMap::saveMapMeta(): seed=6323168960632723991
Server: Database structure was createdServer: Database opened
04:45:00: ServerMap: Written: 0 sector metadata files, 0 block files, 0 blocks in memory.
AuthManager: loading from C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/auth.txt
AuthManager: failed loading from C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/auth.txt
WARNING: AuthManager: creating C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/auth.txt
BanManager: loading from C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/ipban.txt
BanManager: failed loading from C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/ipban.txt
WARNING: BanManager: creating C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/ipban.txt
Server: Loading players
Server: Started on port 30000
Running dedicated server

04:45:01: Player info:
Server::peerAdded(): peer->id=2
Server: Handling peer change: id=2, timeout=0
04:45:31: Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT from 2
04:45:31: Server: adding player RAPHAEL to auth manager
AuthManager: saving to C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/auth.txt
Server: Finding spawn place for player "RAPHAEL"
Server sending TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER pos=(320,50,-10) pitch=0 yaw=0
04:45:31: Player info:
2: "RAPHAEL" (32,5,-1) 192.168.11888 con 1: WARNING: Assuming unknown peer to be peer_id=2
.50:1677 avg_rtt=-1
04:45:31: Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT2 from 2
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 13 added, packet size is 266
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=65512
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=92
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=93
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=94
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=95
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=96
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=97
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 12 added, packet size is 246
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
Server: MapEditEvents:
MEET_ADDNODE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 12 removed, 0 added, packet size is 30
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 7 removed, 0 added, packet size is 20
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=65522
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=275
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=276
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=277
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=278
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
Server: MapEditEvents:
MEET_ADDNODE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=65525
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=322
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=323
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=324
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=325
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=326
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
AuthManager: saving to C:\minetest-0.2.20110922_3-win32\bin/..//world/auth.txt
04:46:49: ServerMap: Written: 0 sector metadata files, 432 block files, 432 blocks in memory.
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=682
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=683
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
ServerMap: Unloaded 18 blocks from memory, of which 0 were written.
04:48:19: ServerMap: Written: 0 sector metadata files, 292 block files, 477 blocks in memory.
Server: MapEditEvents:
MEET_ADDNODE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
04:49:35: ServerMap: Written: 0 sector metadata files, 80 block files, 477 blocks in memory.
Server: MapEditEvents:
MEET_ADDNODE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=131
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
04:50:54: ServerMap: Written: 0 sector metadata files, 202 block files, 516 blocks in memory.
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=1134
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=0, seqnum=149
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=1546
1888 con 1: RE-SENDING timed-out RELIABLE to from_peer_id=1, channel=1, seqnum=1547
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
1888 con 1: WARNING: ACKed packet not in outgoing queue
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 6 removed, 0 added, packet size is 18
Server::deletingPeer(): peer->id=2, timeout=0
Server: Handling peer change: id=2, timeout=0
04:52:09: Player info:
0: "RAPHAEL" (35.538,-9.763,-77.848) avg_rtt=0
Server::peerAdded(): peer->id=2
Server: Handling peer change: id=2, timeout=0
04:52:35: Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT from 2
04:52:35: Server: peer_id=2: supplied invalid password for RAPHAEL
1888 con 1: WARNING: Assuming unknown peer to be peer_id=2
Server::deletingPeer(): peer->id=2, timeout=0
Server: Handling peer change: id=2, timeout=0
04:52:40: ServerMap: Written: 0 sector metadata files, 471 block files, 708 blocks in memory.
Server::peerAdded(): peer->id=2
Server: Handling peer change: id=2, timeout=0
1888 con 1: WARNING: Assuming unknown peer to be peer_id=2
04:52:42: Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT from 2
Server sending TOCLIENT_MOVE_PLAYER pos=(355.38,-97.63,-778.48) pitch=-7.3 yaw=28.6
04:52:43: Server: Got TOSERVER_INIT2 from 2
04:52:43: Player info:
2: "RAPHAEL" (35.538,-10.499,-77.848) avg_rtt=0.0208233
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 6 added, packet size is 126
INFO: Server: Sent object remove/add: 0 removed, 1 added, packet size is 26
Server::deletingPeer(): peer->id=2, timeout=0
Server: Handling peer change: id=2, timeout=0
04:52:58: Player info:
0: "RAPHAEL" (35.538,-19.5,-77.848) avg_rtt=0
ServerMap: Unloaded 33 blocks from memory, of which 33 were written.
ServerMap: Unloaded 43 blocks from memory, of which 42 were written.
Last edited by RAPHAEL on Tue Nov 01, 2011 09:17, edited 1 time in total.
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