Minetest doesn't start in tiling WM wmii ( FreeBSD 9.0 amd64)

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Minetest doesn't start in tiling WM wmii ( FreeBSD 9.0 amd64)

by losi » Fri Nov 09, 2012 17:37

Hi there,

the project is very interesting so I decided to play a bit on my FreeBSD 9.0 amd64 system running on a Lenovo Thinkpad T61 notebook (with Intel GMA X3100 VGA). Here is a link to my glxinfo: http://pastebin.com/BN35147m

First I tried it from port games/minetest. Yes it's outdated but the problem is the same as 0.4.3 stable. In both cases after start a sudden flash happens (seems to be a try to switching into fullscreen mode) but it falls back to the console and as the output shows below everything is OK or at least there is no error in debug.txt and on standard output.

The following is the output in terminal in case of (OLD) port version:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
losi@BolenyBSD:~ » minetest
Using system-wide paths (NOT RUN_IN_PLACE)
path_data = /usr/local/share/minetest
path_userdata = /home/losi/.minetest
Debug streams initialized, disable_stderr=0
18:12:24: ACTION[main]: minetest with SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST=22, VER=0.4.dev-20120122-1 RUN_IN_PLACE=0 USE_GETTEXT=1 INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local BUILD_TYPE=Release
Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.3
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan  3 07:46:30 UTC 2012     root@farrell.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
No kernel support for execution fencing, disabling texture tiling
Using renderer: OpenGL 2.0
Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20090712 2009Q2 RC3 : Tungsten Graphics, Inc
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
GLSL version: 1.2
Loaded texture: /usr/local/share/minetest/clienttextures/menubg.png
Loaded texture: /usr/local/share/minetest/clienttextures/menulogo.png
locale has been set to:en_US.UTF-8
locale has been set to:C
locale has been set to:en_US.UTF-8
locale has been set to:C
locale has been set to:en_US.UTF-8
locale has been set to:C

And the debug.txt for this:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all

Debug streams initialized, disable_stderr=0
18:12:24: ACTION[main]: minetest with SER_FMT_VER_HIGHEST=22, VER=0.4.dev-20120122-1 RUN_IN_PLACE=0 USE_GETTEXT=1 INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local BUILD_TYPE=Release
18:12:24: INFO[main]: Parsing configuration file: "/home/losi/.minetest/minetest.conf"
18:12:24: INFO[main]: Settings: Setting not found: "enable-unittests"
18:12:24: INFO[main]: Settings: Setting not found: "server"
18:12:24: INFO[main]: Settings: Setting not found: "speedtests"
18:12:24: INFO[main]: Settings: Setting not found: "random-input"
18:12:24: INFO[main]: text_height=18
18:12:24: INFO[main]: Created main menu
18:12:34: INFO: sigint_handler(): Ctrl-C pressed, shutting down.

Okay, this is almost one year old so I downloaded and compiled the 0.4.3 stable in Debug mode and with RUN_IN_PLACE option according to the README.txt on github.

The result is similar:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
losi@BolenyBSD:~/games/celeron55-minetest-9696ed3/bin » ./minetest
WARNING: Relative path not properly supported on OS X and FreeBSD
Irrlicht Engine version 1.7.3
FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE #0: Tue Jan  3 07:46:30 UTC 2012     root@farrell.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
No kernel support for execution fencing, disabling texture tiling
Using renderer: OpenGL 2.0
Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20090712 2009Q2 RC3 : Tungsten Graphics, Inc
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
GLSL version: 1.2
Loaded texture: /usr/home/losi/games/celeron55-minetest-9696ed3/textures/base/pack/menubg.png
Loaded texture: /usr/home/losi/games/celeron55-minetest-9696ed3/textures/base/pack/menulogo.png
^C18:20:23: INFO: sigint_handler(): Ctrl-C pressed, shutting down.

The debug.txt here:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all

18:19:40: INFO[main]: logfile    = debug.txt
18:19:40: INFO[main]: path_share = ..
18:19:40: INFO[main]: path_user  = ..
18:19:40: VERBOSE[main]: ItemDefManager: registering "default:stone"
18:19:40: VERBOSE[main]: registerNode: registering content id "0": name="default:stone"
18:19:40: VERBOSE[main]: ItemDefManager: registering "default:dirt_with_grass"
18:19:40: VERBOSE[main]: registerNode: registering content id "2048": name="default:dirt_with_grass"
18:19:40: VERBOSE[main]: ItemDefManager: registering "default:torch"
18:19:40: VERBOSE[main]: registerNode: registering content id "100": name="default:torch"
18:19:40: INFO[main]: run_tests() started
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestUtilities
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestSettings
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestCompress
18:19:40: INFO[main]: str_out.size()=10
18:19:40: INFO[main]: TestCompress: 1,5,5,1 -> 0,0,0,4,0,1,1,5,0,1,
18:19:40: INFO[main]: decompress: 1,5,5,1,
18:19:40: INFO[main]: str_out.size()=12
18:19:40: INFO[main]: TestCompress: 1,5,5,1 -> 120,4294967196,99,100,101,101,4,0,0,34,0,13,
18:19:40: INFO[main]: decompress: 1,5,5,1,
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Test: Testing zlib wrappers with a large amount of pseudorandom data
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Test: Input size of large compressZlib is 50000
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Test: Output size of large compressZlib is 50026
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Test: Output size of large decompressZlib is 50000
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestSerialization
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestMapNode
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestVoxelManipulator
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Result of diff:
18:19:40: INFO[main]: (-2,-2,-3)(3,2,-3)=6x5x1=30
18:19:40: INFO[main]: (3,-2,-2)(3,2,2)=1x5x5=25
18:19:40: INFO[main]: size: 0x0x0 offset: (1,1,1)
18:19:40: INFO[main]: *** Setting (-1,0,-1)=2 ***
18:19:40: INFO[main]: size: 1x1x1 offset: (-1,0,-1)
18:19:40: INFO[main]: X
18:19:40: INFO[main]: *** Reading from inexistent (0,0,-1) ***
18:19:40: INFO[main]: size: 2x1x1 offset: (-1,0,-1)
18:19:40: INFO[main]: XI
18:19:40: INFO[main]: *** Adding area ***
18:19:40: INFO[main]: size: 3x3x3 offset: (-1,-1,-1)
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ^     NNN NNN NNN
18:19:40: INFO[main]: |     XIN NNN NNN
18:19:40: INFO[main]: y x-> NNN NNN NNN
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestVoxelAlgorithms
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestInventory
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestCollision
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestSocket
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Running TestConnection
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** Creating server Connection
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** Creating client Connection
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running client.Connect()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running client.Receive()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Handler(client)::peerAdded(): id=1
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running server.Receive()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Handler(server)::peerAdded(): id=2
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** Server received: peer_id=2, size=0
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running client.Receive()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running client.Receive()
18:19:40: VERBOSE[Connection]: con(4/1): WARNING: Assuming unknown peer to be peer_id=2
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running server.Receive()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running client.Send()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running server.Receive()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** Server received: peer_id=2, size=13, data=Hello World!
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Sending data (size=30000): 0000 0000 0101 0101 0202 0202 0303 0303 0404 0404...
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** running client.Receive()
18:19:40: INFO[main]: ** Client received: peer_id=1, size=30000
18:19:40: INFO[main]: Received data (size=30000):  0000 0000 0101 0101 0202 0202 0303 0303 0404 0404...
18:19:41: INFO[main]: run_tests(): 0 / 11 tests failed.
18:19:41: INFO[main]: run_tests() passed.
18:19:41: INFO[main]: text_height=18
18:19:41: INFO[main]: Searching worlds...
18:19:41: INFO[main]:   In ../worlds:
18:19:41: INFO[main]: world
18:19:41: INFO[main]: 1 found.
18:19:41: INFO[main]: Waiting for other menus
18:19:41: INFO[main]: Waited for other menus
18:19:41: INFO[main]: Created main menu
18:19:41: INFO[main]: locale has been set to:en_US.UTF-8
18:19:41: INFO[main]: locale has been set to:C
18:20:00: INFO: sigint_handler(): Ctrl-C pressed, shutting down.
18:20:00: INFO[main]: Dropping main menu
18:20:00: INFO[main]: Updating configuration file: "../../minetest.conf"
18:20:00: INFO[main]: Skipping writing of ../../minetest.conf because content wouldn't be modified

Only the Ctrl+C can help to leave the game.
Can anybody help in this? I wrote an e-mail to the maintainer of the FreeBSD port but it seems to be the problem is with my HW, config or something.
Last edited by losi on Sat Nov 10, 2012 18:06, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 180
Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 18:53

by cosarara97 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 20:56

Minetest doesn't go fullscreen as default. What do you mean by "it falls back to the console"?

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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2012 16:59

by losi » Sat Nov 10, 2012 05:12

Thats why I wrote 'seems'. Because it didn't start I don't know what is the default mode :).

Maybe this is more accurate:
The window manager (wmii) tries to open something but it disappears immediately without any error message on std output.

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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2012 16:59

by losi » Sat Nov 10, 2012 18:08

It turned out after installing LXDE that the problem is with the wmii window manager. In LXDE it starts without problem.

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