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Strange texture problem (Looks like questionmarks)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 17:28
by Florby
First of all, let me say what a fantastic effort this is! Thank you a million times!

Well, I have just downloaded (cloned from hg) and built the source. Everything seems to be running great, with one exception: All the textures look bugged. They look mostly transparent, with a little something on, maybe a question mark or something? I have a screenshot here:


I have checked my data folder, and the images look fine. I also tried to rename the data folder (just in case what I was seeing was a replacement for non-loading images) but that gave me a segfault.

If anyone has an idea of what this is or how I could fix it, I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance :)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 19:23
by mstoykov
Not that I understand a thing but this looks like a driver problem and if the title of the window is what I think it is (aka you somehow are using opengl 4.1) then this is the problem. No idea how to change what version of opengl you are using or even if irrlicht really support it, but there is no implementation of opengl 4.1 for Linux and it looks like you are running linux. So ah ... reinstall your drivers and see if you can make minetest run with something like opengl 1.4

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 19:46
by Milkboat
I would check to make sure your video card driver is up to date first of all. Then I would check to see what the temperature of your video card is, as I know an overheating card can cause some weird stuff to happen.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 20:11
by Florby
Thanks for your suggestions guys!

I solved this problem by downloading O'Haras pack (which is great by the way!), and now it works perfectly.

However, this is still a bug I am finding hard to understand. You are correct in that I am running Linux (2.6.38) and OpenGL(4.1.10665), and this might be the problem. According to this Irrlicht only supports up to 3.x.

As for the overheating I'm pretty sure thats not the problem. I play GTA IV now and then on fullHD, and I can hear the GPU fan speeding up for that. For MineTest it was pretty silent though. It also played with O'Haras HD textures at around 95 fps in 1080p without problem - and I assume these textures would take a heavier toll. My card is an AMD 5770 with Catalyst 8.84 drivers.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 20:49
by mstoykov
how do you have 4.1 implementation ?