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Can't link minetest.exe on Windows

PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 17:43
by Captain_Chaos
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to build Minetest on my Windows system and am having trouble. I've gotten it to compile, but the very last step (linking minetest.exe) fails. I followed these instructions to build it (using MinGW), and downloaded the "MSVC pre-compiled libraries" from that page for the necessary libraries. However I get the following errors at the end of the build:
+ Spoiler

Could it be that there is a version mismatch between the code and the binaries in that file I downloaded? Or is something else going on? Am I doing something wrong? Let me know if I should provide more information! Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me get unstuck.

Re: Can't link minetest.exe on Windows

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 08:47
by glut32
I think that "MSVC pre-compiled libraries" is only for Microsoft Visual Studio. You should to change your IDE. Thank you Captain Obvious lol

Re: Can't link minetest.exe on Windows

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 14:36
by Captain_Chaos
Are there precompiled libraries for MinGW?

Re: Can't link minetest.exe on Windows

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 15:05
by kaeza
I had the same problems when I was on Windows.

My hacky solution at the moment was to use `util/buildbot/buildwin*.sh` to download all the prebuilt libraries, then manually link and recompile the C++-based ones myself (particularly Irrlicht (and cURL?)).

Irrlicht is easy to compile. Just download the latest release in the 1.8 series (not sure if 1.9 works with Minetest), then `cd irrlicht-1.8.x/source/Irrlicht && make win32`. You should get a library in `irrlicht-1.8.x/lib/Win32-gcc`.