Thanks for the feedback! Comments from a non-DF player are greatly welcome too, helps me to know that the mods' appeal is more than just "cool, always wondered what a tower cap looked like" :)
qwertymine3 wrote:It is also nice to see that they all present differnet challenges / rewards to the player. Leaving mese ore inside the lava tunnels is a nice touch to that effect.
Once I get the lava sea implemented properly I think I'll be removing most of the non-lava mese ore and putting some giant mother lodes down there. :)
Differentiating the various biomes is definitely going to be an ongoing effort as I continue working on this thing. I've gone a bit beyond Dwarf Fortress with some of the details, such as making the farmable plants somewhat biome-specific. I am considering restricting their ability to grow to certain depths so that you'd need to have a continuing presence down there, not just a single seed-gathering run.
qwertymine3 wrote:The transitions between the different levels need some work though:
The transition from the water-filled caves to the first large open caverns can generate a cavern with a roof of water which grinds the game to a halt when it flows.
Yeah, the cave tsunamis are a tricky thing to fix. That's the main reason I've left the lava sea empty for now, a cave tsunami is messy enough when it's just
water. For the time being I console myself that the worst of the CPU grind resolves itself in a few minutes as the water towers collapse, and then the cavern's water stays fairly stable after that.
qwertymine3 wrote:It would be nice if the near-surface lava tunnels sprouted into a volcano on the surface - rather than just being cut off.
Probably the subject for a whole other mod. :) This has been my first real foray into mapgen modding, I've learned a lot while doing it but one of the main things I've learned is that it can be annoyingly hard. Mapgen only "sees" one chunk of the map at a time so coordinating things over larger distances (such as the water level inside a cavern) can be tricky. You may have seen a few cave trees or giant stalactites in the caverns that have been cut in half by chunk boundaries, for example. Still working on that.
qwertymine3 wrote:This would probably go well with a mobs mod - but that would obviously be a long-term goal, if at all.
Indeed, and mob-making is something I haven't touched on at all yet so I'd have no idea where to get started on that. :) I could easily add spawners for existing mobs into the caverns, though, that's a more likely near-term thing I'll do.