currency mod.

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currency mod.

by xXx_orange » Sat Jul 07, 2012 23:15

Download link:

Hi this mod is a currency mod as you might of guessed. What it does is add gold nugget, gold ingot and gold coin. It also adds gold ore. So far you can mine the gold ore which turns into nuggets in your inventory, then you smelt it into gold ingot. You then craft one gold ingot into 10 gold coins.

So far it only works with playing with trusted friends as there's no actual currency or shops to use it at. Me and my friends use it as goes: 1 gold coin for 10 dirt or cobblestone or anything common like that. And about 2 coins for 4 iron. You can have it how you want.

Eventually I want to make a shop where you can trade the coins for resources.
This won't work on a big server because of griefers.

The gold is located -50 below ground.

I know other mods have been made like this but it's my first mod so I wanted to keep it simple.

Thanks and tell me what you think.

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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2012 15:02

by cornernote » Thu Jul 12, 2012 15:58

This looks really cool! Have you considered making it work with [Mod] money ?

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