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[Mod] Nightclub [1.9] [nightclub] - Creative

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 09:41
by doyousketch2
Doyousketch2's Nightclub mod ver 1.9

dead link:

Get your dance on!

Get your drink on!

Now with beer on tap!

Dependencies: default

License Info: Code: GPL 2.0/later, Textures: CC-BY-SA 3.0


to Install:

Unzip the mod file you just downloaded.

it should be something like:

then move the nightclub folder into your Minetest mods folder.


Note: only run in creative mode, as recipes have not been created !!!

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:09
by Jordach

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 11:16
by pandaro
finally! an environment that suits me!

EDIT:missing the pole to lap dance

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 13:17
by rubenwardy

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 13:42
by Inocudom
I can definitely see a future for this mod. Those nodebox models are very well made.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 15:22
by doyousketch2
Hybrid Dog wrote:Since when do half transparent textures work for minetest?

It's brand new. I know it'll do it if you compile from source.
Most likely you're on Windows if you're asking tho...

So I'd try one of the "unofficial builds"

Pretty sure PilzAdam and sfan5 autocompile once or twice a day,
so either of theirs will most likely do transparent textures now.

xyz is usually pretty current too. I think the only time I downloaded it for Windows was an xyz build because his supports DirectX. The latest build posted seems to be from the 4th, so that sounds recent enough to have alpha support.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 15:58
by Sokomine
The bottles and other nodeboxes look really nice. They would be great for general building and house decoration.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 19:57
by InfinityProject
So much win. Are bottles just for decor or do they actually hold something? You could make it so that if you punch a bottle with an empty glass you get a drink.

PostPosted: Sat May 11, 2013 21:16
by doyousketch2
Hybrid Dog wrote:I'm using the newest linux version. And it doesn't work.

hmm, I can't say for certain why it wouldn't.
I'd imagine you have an irrlicht engine of 1.7 or greater,
and none of the other dependencies would make a difference.

Maybe your display driver is set for a lower color depth?
You might check your xorg.conf file and see if it has

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
DefaultDepth     24


Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
Depth     24

listed somewhere in it.

I know minetest.conf has a fullscreen color depth setting. Mine's set to:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
fullscreen_bpp = 24

By brand new feature, I mean it was just put in like last week,
so you really need to compile from source if you haven't already.

Calinou has a pretty comprehensive "one-line" script that works pretty well for that.

Let me know if that helps.

InfinityProject wrote:You could make it so that if you punch a bottle with an empty glass you get a drink.

That's cool. I was just thinking of right-clicking the glasses to make 'em fill and empty, but I hadn't gotten that far yet.

pandaro wrote:missing the pole to lap dance

I was actually looking into that.
Decided BobBlocks and HomeDecor had that pretty well covered.

Thanks all. Glad you like it :)

oh, also I noticed...
rubenwardy wrote:Tools: Nodebox Editor

Didn't know you made that. Mighta made some of these easier to build
if I'd-a known such a tool was available.

As it was, I typed out all the nodes by imagining the sizes in my mind,
then trial-and-error typed in x,y,z coords 'till they looked good.

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 03:01
by Josh
Why not have Pole Dancing NPCs, They only dance when you slip them a mese crystal :D

PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 08:01
by keyxmakerx
pandaro wrote:+1
finally! an environment that suits me!

EDIT:missing the pole to lap dance

Idk about you, but when I lap dance, I normally use laps and not poles... :p

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 00:04
by Inocudom
How is progress with this mod these days?

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 01:05
by doyousketch2
Been on vacation for the past couple weeks.

Haven't had a chance to do anything Minetest related
except read some code on my tablet before going to bed.

My kid was asking me to make a model airplane and helicopter that fly around,
so I've been looking into the code for Mobs to see if I could do it.

A few thoughts on updating Nightclub include:

Beer on tap - with large handles that you pull.
Urinals for the men's room - possibly sensor flush when walk near
Coffeemaker - to sober up
I'd like to update the graphic for the absinthe cup
Karaoke screen / mic
DJ setup

I guess recipes if people really want 'em.
I hadn't sat down and figured all that out tho.

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:25
by Mossmanikin
Love this idea :D

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 15:41
by Inocudom
doyousketch2 wrote:Been on vacation for the past couple weeks.

Haven't had a chance to do anything Minetest related
except read some code on my tablet before going to bed.

My kid was asking me to make a model airplane and helicopter that fly around,
so I've been looking into the code for Mobs to see if I could do it.

A few thoughts on updating Nightclub include:

Beer on tap - with large handles that you pull.
Urinals for the men's room - possibly sensor flush when walk near
Coffeemaker - to sober up
I'd like to update the graphic for the absinthe cup
Karaoke screen / mic
DJ setup

I guess recipes if people really want 'em.
I hadn't sat down and figured all that out tho.

I like those ideas and hope to see them realized.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 22:07
by doyousketch2
Added beer tap, bar stools, citrus juicer and towels!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 08:55
by webdesigner97
Great mod! I love it!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 14:56
by Inocudom
Some of the nodes that give off light probably shouldn't. By this, I am referring to wine bottles, tools, and drinking glasses.

This mod goes well with the homedecor mod, and I hope to see the karaoke machine (this would have to consist of more than one node) and urinals soon. Will some of the nodes of this mod have sound effects in the future?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 17:07
by doyousketch2
Inocudom wrote:Some of the nodes that give off light probably shouldn't. By this, I am referring to wine bottles, tools, and drinking glasses.

I wanted you to be able to see the bottles in a dimly lit "night" club, so I gave the bottles a very low light value.

Inocudom wrote:Will some of the nodes of this mod have sound effects in the future?

I hope to, yeah.

Perhaps a nice fluid sound with click-to-fill glasses,
and a large gulp to empty.

I'd like the tap handles to pull down, if at all possible.
The only thing about that is textures may be troublesome.

Maybe make a smooth carbonated whoosh as if beer is spilling forth.

Also automatic air-dryer for restrooms, with that grating fan whirr that we all enjoy ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 22:50
by Inocudom
doyousketch2 wrote:
Inocudom wrote:Some of the nodes that give off light probably shouldn't. By this, I am referring to wine bottles, tools, and drinking glasses.

I wanted you to be able to see the bottles in a dimly lit "night" club, so I gave the bottles a very low light value.

Inocudom wrote:Will some of the nodes of this mod have sound effects in the future?

I hope to, yeah.

Perhaps a nice fluid sound with click-to-fill glasses,
and a large gulp to empty.

I'd like the tap handles to pull down, if at all possible.
The only thing about that is textures may be troublesome.

Maybe make a smooth carbonated whoosh as if beer is spilling forth.

Also automatic air-dryer for restrooms, with that grating fan whirr that we all enjoy ;)

All of those are good ideas that will add a great deal of atmosphere to this mod. Will karaoke machines, DJ booths, and urinals be added in the future?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 18:07
by mauvebic
Thinking of adding parts of this to my server :-) the bottles and taps (not the seizure inducing lights :P) I could make the taps work with the wine/beer i already have :-)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 03:34
by Sokomine
It would be great if the mod could be downloaded somewhere. The site linked in the first posting complains that it can't set a cookie. Also it says something about "Time to live: 21 days". Perhaps it would be better to move it to a better code distribution site? Github seems to work fine.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 17:18
by Inocudom
I don't see much happening with this mod lately. Is it still active?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 19:36
by twoelk
Actually even the download link doesn't seem to work anymore (or is to difficult for me to understand. didn't find any file even after I risked a dummy sign up to the service). Would love to see this mod easily available again and as a wish expanded by some normal restaurant items.

Mauvebic seemed to have a copy on his Waterworld server, don't remember seeing it anywhere else.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 19:50
by Topywo
This should be the latest version of the mod:

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 20:24
by twoelk
thanks , I'm off to the bar now ;-)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 17:12
by Inocudom
This mod has a good deal of potential. If you were to host it on GitHub, it might do better and have more support. People would then be able to make pull requests for it.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 18:51
by Inocudom
Hybrid Dog wrote:
Inocudom wrote:This mod has a good deal of potential. If you were to host it on GitHub, it might do better and have more support. People would then be able to make pull requests for it.
you could do it yourself and add the license... information in a README

Nightclub's readme wrote:LICENSING INFORMATION:
Code: GPL 2.0/later,
Textures: CC-BY-SA 3.0

The above is what I found in this mod's readme, if that is of help to anybody.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 07:10
by BorisGrishenko
Whenever I download the file, it keeps sending me to this JavaBean.pdf like deal. Why?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:44
by Topywo
BorisGrishenko wrote:Whenever I download the file, it keeps sending me to this JavaBean.pdf like deal. Why?

You can download it from post 25.