bdjnk wrote:I've been playing with this mod a bit, and I've noticed some issues.
Digging while holding a "Leavy snack" or a "Chewstick" causes the held item to vanish. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't happen with any of your other node types. Oh, and leavy should probably be leafy, which is the much more common spelling.
The plants are ridiculously hard to find, being both rare and difficult to see. If part of the problem is the complexity of the nodeboxes, you can make them simpler, or simply do away with them altogether. Papyrus and the various grasses look fine, and they're all 2d. Even if you think 3d is truly important for plants, why are they so complex? A good looking 3d plant (one that fits the block style of minetest) likely doesn't need more than 10 boxes. You use more than a thousand.
edit one: Is it impossible to have plantlike node not displace water? Cause that would be silly, but also explain quite a lot.
edit two: That's odd. The longer I spend in an area, the more sea plants are generated nearby. Definitely not the expected behavior...
Inocudom wrote:Concerning the nodebox models of the plants, you could keep the current ones for more powerful computers, but make less detailed ones to be used as default. There is a program that can make the creation of nodebox models easier. Below is a link to it.
Sokomine wrote:There's the plantlife mod from VanessaE that may help with finding ways to spawn plants fast.
The plants may look even better and be easier to find if they where illuminated from beneath. The node they "grow" on could emit a faint glow.
hampa16 wrote:this is not a modpack! this is just a mod!
hampa16 wrote:this is not a modpack! this is just a mod!
Inocudom wrote:Any luck with development these days?
Sokomine wrote:I've had a look at the mod now. It offers far more than I first tought and is definitely a plus for all players who like rich plantlife and farming-like activities. It also adds nice, expensive blocks.
Here's a more detailed look-on:
Sokomine wrote:Right now, understanding the mod requires too much code reading.
Sokomine wrote:Killing a living clam is close to impossible - even a strong sword does not seem to deal enough damage in the short time the clam can be wounded. It looks a bit odd if you drown while wielding the strongest sword and utterly fail to combat against a poor, defenseless clam :-) Maybe you could introduce nets to catch them. Sapiers mobf mod has some. Caught clams could remain alive until they're "crafted" to crushed shells. Maybe all the abms could run more often.
Sokomine wrote: Additional bonus: The images can even be animated. See the torch for that! So seaplants could move in the current of the water and thus look even better
Sokomine wrote:Producing the colored glass is quite expensive. It ought to remain whole when digged.
Dyes could be created from the algae themshelves by adding something. Perhaps you can take the old receipe for the dye base from unifieddyes that's not used anymore (glass bottles, bucket of water, junglegrass) and offer the old liquid dyes for a combination of such a dye base and algae. To get the "modern" pulver, it could be placed into the bleacher. That's a much more complicated process then than the current dye production - but why not? The liquid dyes could be required for the glass production instead of the algae themshelves.
Your lightglasses could also be supported by my colormachine if you want to. The white one could be turned with dye into colored ones and vice versa. That should have little effect on the production cost.
Sokomine wrote:It would be nice if the bleacher got an inventory and would work similar to a furnace, only without fuel.
Sokomine wrote:Regarding the code, please don't use copy and paste if the only part that varies between the copies is the name of the color. Use a function instead. Saves you changing everything three times :-)
Sokomine wrote:Now, to the second part, the seaplants: I'm amazed that it works. Didn't know so many nodeboxes where possible. A nodebox version with far less nodeboxes would be better for the everyday-seaplants.
Sokomine wrote:use one node below the ocean floor for a plantlike node. To get the plant large enough so that you can really see it above the ocean floor, give the node a sufficient high value for visual_scale (i.e. visual_scale = 2.5 ).
Example of the dandelion yellow from homedecor, with 256px resolution, only changes are adaption of the selection box and "visual_scale = 2.5":
You can find a code sample on pastebin. It's mostly default nodes changed slightly so that they work in the underwater setup. The torch is fun :-)
:? hey are those fish aquariums? and if not, then what do those do?Topywo wrote:Making the seas a bit more interesting:
Sea modpack, 2 mods:
- Find the algae blocks in the sea. They produce a a bit light. You might even find a shell on top of it.
- Make a shell farm, but if you got a lot of them, don't go too far away.
- Look for the shells on algae or breed them yourself.
- Make colored, light-glasses from glass, shells and algae. Break them, make dye.
- Two types, two colors of seaplants.
- Eat them directly for a 1/2 heart or combine them for a sea salad, restoring 3 hearts.
Textures: 16x16
Downloads (if your format is not present, ask for it and I'll try):
Latest 0.2.1
Changes 0.2 --> 0.2.1:
- Maximization of seaplants in an area
- Noticed by accident that minetest.env: is deprecated, so I changed it for both clams and seaplants into minetest.
Old 0.2
Changes 0.1 --> 0.2:
- Algae, sea_cult, shells and shells_dye are now in 1 mod called 'clams'
- New filled bleacher recipe:
{'clams:crushedyellow', 'clams:crushedred', 'clams:crushedblue'},
{'clams:crushedyellow', 'clams:crushedred', 'clams:crushedblue'},
{'default:leaves', 'clams:emptybleacher', 'default:leaves'}
- New mod, seaplants
Old 0.1
Known issues: the removing of far objects. Shells are entities. If there are more than 49 in a block and you go to far away, they'll disappear.
Crafting and cooking:
In crafting.txt of the mod folder
- Celeron55 for making minetest and this mod possible (the mapgen.lua code and part of his mob mod code)
- Cornernote for the dye_code. Thanks for all your work for minetest cornernote!
- Chinchow, for asking me what I was doing (nothing constructive till then)
- Sapier, because of his fish in his animals-mod I understood you could build something under water without an waterblock around it.
- Inocudom, for the support of this modpack and telling me about Jeija's hydro-turbine.
- Jeija because of the hydro-turbine (mesecons).
- Neuromancer for the constructive feed-back concerning the performance.
sea: none
sea/clams: default, bucket, dye
sea/seaplants: default
Most of it is under GNU Lesser General Public License, but a part of the code (in shell_dye) uses GNU General Public License. Further I saw that the breaking glass sound falls under CC BY 3.0 and the crumbling dirt and leaves sound fall under CC BY-SA 3.0.
If you like or need to read it, look for the specific licenses in the file:
This file is present in the folders sea, sea/clams and sea/seaplants
hampa16 wrote::? hey are those fish aquariums? and if not, then what do those do?
Mossmanikin wrote:The new plants and corals look awesome! :)
I hope you can find a way to get rid of all the air in water.
Also the game really runs a lot smoother with this version.
Keep up the good work.
Inocudom wrote:How well does this work with liquid_finite turned on?
Wuzzy wrote:I installed and activated the modpack but not and corals of anything else “sea-like” spawned so far. :-(
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