[Modpack] Sea [0.4.2] [sea]

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by Topywo » Wed Oct 02, 2013 08:01

Jouster27 wrote:Could you alias the 0.2.0 items in 0.3.1 so we don't have a bunch of unknown blocks, please?

Thanks for reminding me. I didn't expect many players using 0.2.0. I'll look for a solution. I think aliasing a part and reintroducing another part. Also I need to find out how aliasing exactly works, but I think I'll manage.

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by webdesigner97 » Wed Oct 02, 2013 09:59

Topywo wrote:
Jouster27 wrote:Could you alias the 0.2.0 items in 0.3.1 so we don't have a bunch of unknown blocks, please?

Thanks for reminding me. I didn't expect many players using 0.2.0. I'll look for a solution. I think aliasing a part and reintroducing another part. Also I need to find out how aliasing exactly works, but I think I'll manage.


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by Topywo » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:53

webdesigner97 wrote:minetest.register_alias("old_node_name","new_node_name")


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by Lukeking » Wed Oct 02, 2013 15:09

awesome mod +100000
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by Topywo » Wed Oct 02, 2013 16:49

Lukeking wrote:awesome mod +100000

Thank you :-)

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by webdesigner97 » Wed Oct 02, 2013 18:26

Topywo wrote:
webdesigner97 wrote:minetest.register_alias("old_node_name","new_node_name")


np :)

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by Jouster27 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 14:24

Topywo wrote:
Jouster27 wrote:Could you alias the 0.2.0 items in 0.3.1 so we don't have a bunch of unknown blocks, please?

Thanks for reminding me. I didn't expect many players using 0.2.0. I'll look for a solution. I think aliasing a part and reintroducing another part. Also I need to find out how aliasing exactly works, but I think I'll manage.

I'd appreciate it. I'd be perfectly fine with having the 0.2.0 blocks changed to whatever was already in 0.3.0. I'm not tied to any particular mat.

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by Jouster27 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 23:37

I tried creating a new world to see if this mod caused certain problems I had noticed when I upgraded an existing world. Unfortunately, it did. It slowed-down the game to the point where I experienced a serious lag everytime I moved into a new chunk but I could almost deal with that. The deal-breaker for me was that when I put materials into a furnace, it wouldn't work until I moved out of the chunk and then came back in. Even then, the furnace would only process one block of material and then freeze again. It's possible that my computer just isn't fast-enough to keep-up with this mod and the others I like to run or it may be a conflict with my other mods. Guess I'll have to give-up on pretty seas... Oh well. At least I got to see some pretty eye-candy.

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by Topywo » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:18

Jouster27 wrote:I tried creating a new world to see if this mod caused certain problems I had noticed when I upgraded an existing world. Unfortunately, it did. It slowed-down the game to the point where I experienced a serious lag everytime I moved into a new chunk but I could almost deal with that. The deal-breaker for me was that when I put materials into a furnace, it wouldn't work until I moved out of the chunk and then came back in. Even then, the furnace would only process one block of material and then freeze again. It's possible that my computer just isn't fast-enough to keep-up with this mod and the others I like to run or it may be a conflict with my other mods. Guess I'll have to give-up on pretty seas... Oh well. At least I got to see some pretty eye-candy.

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm not educated in computers and programming. From trail and error I think this is caused by two or three things.

I have poor computer graphic settings (128 MB video memory (software rendered/virtual box)) for minetest. When the sea flourishes I experience a slow down, the same amount I have in jungles and with more trees and the same on servers near crowded spawn areas. Not nice, but acceptable.

When trying out nodeboxes for seaplants I got the idea that when it was full with other drawtype nodes than normal my fps run towards 0.

I could diminish the amount of coral and seaplants (a bit), but don't want to 'empty the sea'.

I didn't try out the furnaces. I'll need to find out if I get the same problems. I use a lot of ABM's for the Sea-modpack. Maybe because my computer's processor and RAM are more than enough I don't experience problems with them. Even the calculation of hundreds of lines for the seaplants nodeboxes didn't seem problematic.

Only sometimes the sea stays empty and then suddenly or after returning to that area it get's filled (which looks like the furnace 'bug' you mentioned).

By the way, slow/frozen furnaces are familiar to me from the redcrab and landrush servers.

Perhaps there's a solution for this, made available by leetelate:

I'll also think about the possibilities to replace some ABM's with on generate.

Some other news. The aliasing is almost ready. I'll reintroduce a (for now) simpler version of the clams mod. I don't seem able to alias entities (perhaps that's why I always see posts about clearing objects :-) )

I'll soon upload it (I need to improve some textures).

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by Topywo » Sun Oct 06, 2013 17:03

Version 0.3.1. is out.

Also see post 1.

I made aliases for the 0.2 seaplants and clams mod. The clams mod has been simplified (a lot). It will be extended in the future as this modpack is w.i.p. .

Important: I removed the waterbubblesalmostgone mod, because it caused the furnaces to slow down to almost freeze.

Jouster27, I could reproduce the furnace 'bug'. In my tests it is solved now. Thanks for pointing it out!

Edit: The bleacher will change into a colormachine when using that dependency or else in a mese_block. I don't have a 'logical' alias for it.
Last edited by Topywo on Sun Oct 06, 2013 17:05, edited 1 time in total.

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by Jouster27 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 16:17

Speed problem fixed in 0.3.1 is fixed. Furnace works correctly now. Aliases don't seem to be working. I still have a lot of underwater unknown blocks. I'm not seeing the new sea blocks anymore. I'll tinker with this a bit more later on to see if they pop-up. Thanks for fixing the speed issue.

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by Topywo » Tue Oct 08, 2013 20:50

Jouster27 wrote:Speed problem fixed in 0.3.1 is fixed. Furnace works correctly now. Aliases don't seem to be working. I still have a lot of underwater unknown blocks. I'm not seeing the new sea blocks anymore. I'll tinker with this a bit more later on to see if they pop-up. Thanks for fixing the speed issue.

It's good to read the speed is ok now and the furnaces work.

I'll alias the nodes from version 0.1 too, maybe that will work.

I'm not sure why you don't see the new sea-blocks anymore. As soon I as a have some time I'll work again on the mod.

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by Jouster27 » Wed Oct 09, 2013 14:38

Topywo wrote:It's good to read the speed is ok now and the furnaces work.

I'll alias the nodes from version 0.1 too, maybe that will work.

I'm not sure why you don't see the new sea-blocks anymore. As soon I as a have some time I'll work again on the mod.

I just took a quick fly around to some new areas. It looks like the unknown nodes are generating in new portions of the map. I'm starting to wonder if the aliases are backwards, pointing new blocks to old types instead of the the old pointing to the new. I could be mistaken about what I'm seeing but that's what it seemed like.

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by Topywo » Wed Oct 09, 2013 20:54

Jouster27 wrote:I just took a quick fly around to some new areas. It looks like the unknown nodes are generating in new portions of the map. I'm starting to wonder if the aliases are backwards, pointing new blocks to old types instead of the the old pointing to the new. I could be mistaken about what I'm seeing but that's what it seemed like.

I just installed the 0.2 version and created all the possible nodes.

Then I installed 0.3.1 and took a look.

It seems that all aliases are working fine, both those I placed, as the ones in my inventory. The only unknown stuff are unknown objects (entities) above the algae blocks. Those are the 'old' blue, yellow and red shells. Hitting those makes them disappear (they won't float away). Sometimes there's already a white shell on the same spot.

Then I took a fast fly to a new area. All the new nodes and entities showed up, no unknown nodes or objects.

It's possible that it's another mod that generates unknown ore lacking aliases from another sea-version (I'll fix that soon).

But a few seconds ago I remembered having enabling 'problems' while testing (parts of) the sea-modpack. I sometimes used the clams mod inside the modpack sea and also had a clams outside that modpack in my minetest/mods folder.

Possible solution
Please make sure there's only one sea-modpack (version 0.3.1) in your minetest/mods folder. (Re)move older sea-modpacks and parts from the older sea-modpack (clams or seaplants) from your minetest/mods folder. Then when ingame, check if you enabled the sea-modpack and all the mods inside the sea-modpack.

I hope this caused the problems (and solved them).

Edit: typo's.
Last edited by Topywo on Wed Oct 09, 2013 20:56, edited 1 time in total.

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by Topywo » Wed Oct 23, 2013 18:12

Small update version 0.3.1 --> 0.3.2

- made aliases for the version < 0.2.0
- faster ABM seacoral and seaplants
- sealamps mod --> Torches and lanterns without airbubble for underwater use

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by Inocudom » Thu Oct 24, 2013 00:01

The dirt and sand for seaplants and seacoral are in the creative inventory, though they probably should not be.

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by Topywo » Thu Oct 24, 2013 08:26

Inocudom wrote:The dirt and sand for seaplants and seacoral are in the creative inventory, though they probably should not be.

Thanks for the feedback!

I've only had a quick thought about that. I kept them on purpose in creative for 3 reasons:
- The names are not very suitable for the use of the giveme command
- It gives more control where to grow the coral/seaplants
- The idea behind those 'specialized' dirt/sand is to have more control where to spawn the coral/seaplants. When dug, they turn 'back' into normal sand/dirt and cannot be used to grow new coral/seaplants

While typing this, I see those are not very strong arguments, so I'm already thinking about ways to get them out of creative and improving the mod at the same time.

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by jenova99sephiros » Mon Oct 28, 2013 06:09

This Mod is great!

· · · ·, However, the noairblock does not work well possibly ...
It disappears when viewed from the water, to be sure, but it is in the air when viewed from above it
I english google translator

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by Topywo » Mon Oct 28, 2013 18:08

jenova99sephiros wrote:This Mod is great!

· · · ·, However, the noairblock does not work well possibly ...
It disappears when viewed from the water, to be sure, but it is in the air when viewed from above it

Thanks :-)

I'm not sure what kind of airblock you mean:

1. Somehow there are 'natural' airblocks (airpockets) on dirt under water. I think they (should?) disappear in time, but am not sure about it. My mod waterbubblesalmostgone let those airblocks disappear (faster?), but I took it out of the seamodpack, because it ate too much cpu.

2. At least the 2 top layers of water stay old fashioned water. I made sure plants and corals wouldn't grow higher. Otherwise you would see 'holes' like those papyrus has for the part that stands in the water.

3. However could it be that you placed a seatorch, a lantern (or maybe a coral or seaplant) in one of the 2 top-layers? Even when you remove it the hole will stay. You can clean the hole by putting old fashioned water in it.

I tried once a mod that would replace the sea-water with old fashioned water in case there was no sea-node left, but that made evrything glitch.

P.s. to remove the 'natural' waterpockets you can put water in it (top 2 layers) or, layer -3 and lower, put a seatorch in it, wait till the airblock is gone and then removing the seatorch.

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by Jouster27 » Sun Nov 03, 2013 18:55

Ok, I like finding the crushed white shell but it's starting to fill my inventory and there is no way that I can find to use it. I tried searching through the code but I don't see any crafting recipes that use it. I can't seem to place it after I dig it so I can't use it for decoration. If it's supposed to be just decoration, would you be willing to allow a user to either place it or craft a crushed white shell sandblock? If it's not supposed to be crafted into anything, I could see using sand covered with the crushed white shell for garden paths or perhaps desert landscaping (crushed white shell bed with the occasional cactus or desert-friendly plant).

If you were willing to consider crafting the crushed white shell into useful items, here are some suggestions:
  • Fertilizer.
  • Decorative dirt or adobe blocks for building.
  • Decorative glass. Something that is clear, has an interesting design or pattern (spiral?) but is not light-emitting. Think: fountains or special windows.
Last edited by Jouster27 on Sun Nov 03, 2013 18:57, edited 1 time in total.

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by Topywo » Mon Nov 04, 2013 09:59

Jouster27 wrote:Ok, I like finding the crushed white shell but it's starting to fill my inventory and there is no way that I can find to use it.
If you were willing to consider crafting the crushed white shell into useful items, here are some suggestions:
  • Fertilizer.
  • Decorative dirt or adobe blocks for building.
  • Decorative glass. Something that is clear, has an interesting design or pattern (spiral?) but is not light-emitting. Think: fountains or special windows.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Crushed shell is a craft item. It's a left-over from the older versions, that I am planning to give a proper use. So don't pulverize it ;-)

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by Jouster27 » Mon Nov 11, 2013 16:55

Errors whenever you select clams:sandalgaeused in your toolbar:
10:44:14: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...netest/mods/minetest-3d_armor/unified_skins/init.lua:17: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a table value)
10:44:14: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:

Since it is the first item in my toolbar, now I can't load my world. Fortuantely, I figured-out that I'm able to use the world again if I turn the mod off and pulverize the block but I'd like to not have this error. FYI.

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by kaeza » Mon Nov 11, 2013 17:02

Jouster27 wrote:Errors whenever you select clams:sandalgaeused in your toolbar:
10:44:14: ERROR[main]: ServerError: LuaError: error: ...netest/mods/minetest-3d_armor/unified_skins/init.lua:17: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a table value)
10:44:14: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:

Since it is the first item in my toolbar, now I can't load my world. Fortuantely, I figured-out that I'm able to use the world again if I turn the mod off and pulverize the block but I'd like to not have this error. FYI.

That looks like a bug in 3darmor, not on this mod.
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by Jouster27 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 13:35

Topywo wrote:I just installed the 0.2 version and created all the possible nodes.

Then I installed 0.3.1 and took a look.

It seems that all aliases are working fine, both those I placed, as the ones in my inventory. The only unknown stuff are unknown objects (entities) above the algae blocks. Those are the 'old' blue, yellow and red shells. Hitting those makes them disappear (they won't float away). Sometimes there's already a white shell on the same spot.

Then I took a fast fly to a new area. All the new nodes and entities showed up, no unknown nodes or objects.

It's possible that it's another mod that generates unknown ore lacking aliases from another sea-version (I'll fix that soon).

But a few seconds ago I remembered having enabling 'problems' while testing (parts of) the sea-modpack. I sometimes used the clams mod inside the modpack sea and also had a clams outside that modpack in my minetest/mods folder.

Possible solution
Please make sure there's only one sea-modpack (version 0.3.1) in your minetest/mods folder. (Re)move older sea-modpacks and parts from the older sea-modpack (clams or seaplants) from your minetest/mods folder. Then when ingame, check if you enabled the sea-modpack and all the mods inside the sea-modpack.

I hope this caused the problems (and solved them).

Edit: typo's.

Only one version of Sea installed. No extra folder of Clams. Whenever I update a mod, I completely delete the old one and then install the new one. This appears to be some sort of conflict with the 3D Animals mod.

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by Topywo » Tue Nov 12, 2013 21:21

Jouster27 wrote:Only one version of Sea installed. No extra folder of Clams. Whenever I update a mod, I completely delete the old one and then install the new one. This appears to be some sort of conflict with the 3D Animals mod.

Are you still getting the unknown blocks with the latest 0.3.2 version when exploring new areas?

- if that's the case, which of the following nodes do you see and which not
- do one or more of those blocks have an unknown block close by (on top, below, besides)?

White shell

Cyan Coral
Magenta Coral
Aqua Coral
Lime Coral
Skyblue Coral
Redviolet Coral

Green Kelp
Brown Kelp
Green Seagrass
Red Seagrass

Maybe it's best to try this out on a test world and to let the game run a time to give the blocks that are not unknown some time to generate.

Do you use the 0.4.7 stable or one of the latest (unstable) builds?

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by Jouster27 » Tue Nov 12, 2013 22:32

Topywo wrote:Are you still getting the unknown blocks with the latest 0.3.2 version when exploring new areas?

- if that's the case, which of the following nodes do you see and which not
- do one or more of those blocks have an unknown block close by (on top, below, besides)?

White shell

Cyan Coral
Magenta Coral
Aqua Coral
Lime Coral
Skyblue Coral
Redviolet Coral

Green Kelp
Brown Kelp
Green Seagrass
Red Seagrass

Maybe it's best to try this out on a test world and to let the game run a time to give the blocks that are not unknown some time to generate.

Do you use the 0.4.7 stable or one of the latest (unstable) builds?

I'm using a different world than the one where I was seeing unknown blocks. No previous mod-build blocks. Yeah, I've got all of the blocks you've listed. I'm using 0.4.7-dev.

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by Enke » Sat Nov 16, 2013 23:53

I like this modpack, as it makes the ocean interesting. A suggestion: would it be possible to spawn wrecked boats underwater and have them contain chests in the wreckage?
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by Sokomine » Sun Nov 17, 2013 01:31

Wrecked boats would certainly be nice. If some where to be built, they could be spawned.
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by Inocudom » Sun Nov 17, 2013 02:31

Enke wrote:I like this modpack, as it makes the ocean interesting. A suggestion: would it be possible to spawn wrecked boats underwater and have them contain chests in the wreckage?

This is a very good idea, Enke. I would love to see sunken ships in the depths of the seas.

Topywo, if you want to know how to do this, ask BlockMen, Nore, or MirceaKitsune how it can be done. The sea modpack has such great potential.

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by Topywo » Sun Nov 17, 2013 14:09

I like the idea too. I was already thinking about 'stuff' you can find underwater. Also about chests, though as Inocudom suggested, I'll need to peek into/borrow some code.

Since I still need to give crushed shells a new purpose, I guess I'll soon start to work on a 0.4 version.


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