As something like a mind-processing (?) I want to show some of my impressions from my first travel to...
There is this awesome new landscape from the etheral mod, with the xanadu modifications.
Here with the meeting of 5 biomes called (left to right):
The Other Jungle,The Grassy Biome,The Grayness Biome,The Sandstone Desert Biome and in front (too bad without the giant mushrooms)The Mushroom Biome.
Why are people wasting time fighting each other, if you can explore such fancy Scenery like this river...
...and have a cliff jump in the water to cool down.
If there is a need for fighting,well, there are a good handful of monsters whaiting for the clueless wanderer, like this mese monster. (okay, it´s more the name what makes frighten, 10TP, I think this is definitely to low, if you get a handful of mese crystal fragments)
But also, there are a lot of creative builder at this server. I saw very fancy buildings. Most astounding by now: the space station.
Climb up...
...and get inside, high above the clouds
It seems, some builder like to impress with mystery :)
And at the end of the journey a little rest in this nice restaurant.
ironically, this was the place where I died my first time, from starvation. While discovering how good looking the castle pavement could bee.
A nice server, ´twas fun the whole day/night long and sure there is more to explore.