by 1shoot2kill » Thu Mar 30, 2017 09:08
lisacvuk wrote:Па, код год још из Србије игра Minetest, може доћи на Craig's Server у Wonderland, где смо ја и the_raven_262 направили прилично 95% српски град :D
U koje vreme obicno igras MT?
I bleed a little bit of me when I speak
I'm speakin' to my enemies
Ain't no heroes in this life of mine
I can joke, if you wanna joke, we can go!
Till the throat, till you're bleedin' on your hardwood flo!
No matter the place, no matter the time, no matter the race
I'm leadin', you hatin' me, 'cause there ain't no changin' me
I'm the whitest of the white, the rawest of the raw.