Xanadu Server

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Sokomine » Fri Oct 16, 2015 03:46

IceAgeComing wrote:You were asking people if they want BJ!!!! And you did that infront of CHILDREN.

It took me quite a while to figure out what that might mean. It must have been something sexually offensive (due to the mentionning of children), but I wouldn't have guessed the meaning without that hint. Not everyone is a native speaker...or a speaker of that sub-dialect. I seriously doubt that small children would understand.

NaoKat wrote:It was a joke. It was a little joke.

That makes even less sense. Jokes are supposed to be funny in some way? If so, I'm sorry to say that it failed.

NaoKat wrote:You cant be serious? Those screenshots prove I am innocent, I was calling a regular player an idiot, and that isnt against any rule,

It's not against any rule? I doubt that. Calling anyone an idiot is not very friendly and ought to be avoided. In that regard, moderators are no diffrent than "normal" players.

NaoKat wrote:How is it not a joke? Do you actually think I would let something like that happen? XD anyways, i didn't swear or try to date. Its an obvious joke, and everyone took it too seriously... Except for the good kids that ignored what I said, or they just dont care.

Hmm. It seems you're calling a player named "LisasBrother" an idiot. Might be that that's really a child - the name suggests it - and the question the player asked ("what does it mean?") suggests lack of understanding. You didn't explain and waved it away with a "nothing". Might be the best reaction, but that way the player was even more confused I'm afraid. Probably...not a good joke, but no disaster either, apart from the insult.

NaoKat wrote:I never called any admin or moderator, or any authority an idiot.

Even those very kids that sometimes go on all our nerves have rights and are human beeings. Don't call anyone an idiot. And don't distinguish between persons of authority and other persons. The server owner and his assigned admins/moderators have the authority when it comes to deciding which rules ought to apply on the server, or when something technical or even regarding art (which materials where, where to build what) comes into play. But that's just their job. Apart from that, all are human beeings and ought to be treated as valuable human beeings. Well, perhaps apart from griefers....those need to be thrown out. But that's not the issue here.

NaoKat wrote:The screenshots prove my innocence because I was completely confused why Ice was going crazy. And Ice said, "you want me to remove your perms?" and i said "wat/" (meaning to put a question mark) and after that, i got my perms removed. And a bit before that, Ice asked, do you want to get banned? and I said no, why? It was obvious I was confused, and I had no chance to understand why I got my perms taken away.

It can sometimes get confusing in chat, and messages overlap due to the time it takes to type them in and get them distributed to all participants. I once had an extreme delay of 20 minutes while chatting with a server owner. That made communication...tricky, frustrating and not very successful. Misunderstandings in chat can easily happen. You seem to really have thought of your sentence as a harmless joke and thus didn't understand the reaction.

Kelena wrote:All you need is a little bit of common sense, "Is the thing I'm going to say suitable for an E rated game?"

Whatever an "E rated game" might be. By German law, Minetest might be considered entirely inappropriate for children - not because of how the game is but because no one ever officialy put a stamp on it saying "this is for age xyz". But at least that's not a problem here - not even NaoKat thought it'd be an appropriate topic of conversation for children.

NaoKat wrote:*she* and i am not guilty

The same style of writing as in the chat - which underlines that what you said wasn't aimed at a female person but just correcting a grammatical error because someone wasn't aware of your gender.

IceAgeComing wrote:Second of all, i never saw you apologizing for that little "joke" of yours, just smiley faces after i asked if you want to get banned. So i took it as you are laughing on the rules and you are not taking my warning seriously. So i asked my fellow moderators to vote if they think you deserve privs takens.

You might have been a bit too fast for NaoKat here.

NaoKat wrote:That is where you are wrong. Games are fine, I would never say anything like that in real life, in a public place. Its a game, and what people can do, is IGNORE IT

There used to be that old set of rules for the Usenet, before the WWW became popular. The most basic rule was "remember that there's another human beeing sitting at the other end of the linie". That's still true. So...if you think something would not be a good idea in real life, because it might hurt people, don't say it in the game either. That is...excluding things which are perfectly normal in the game but would be out of place in rl ("got a stack of bricks for a gold ingot?" :))

NaoKat wrote:Have you ever seen most comedy shows? They have more vulgar humor, and guess what? ITS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!

But that's nothing uniformly agreed upon either. There is a very very narrow gap between excellent humor - especially once it gets to the more intelligent and biting forms - and plain insult/stupidity/illegality. Humor on that level requires a lot of thought and consenus as to what can be the topic of the humor. Very simple jokes are more likely to work universally amongst humanity.

NaoKat wrote:The only thing I really hate, is people that can't understand if something is a joke or not, and then get crazy over it. They can't let any of this go, they just hang on to it like its a big deal, but its not.

That's because it never felt like a joke to them in the first place. It's something requiring an apology from the point of view of those people that "can't let any of this go".

neri2 wrote:With this in mind yes, inserting such things into the game would be considered wrong place, wrong time, wrong game.


Inocudom wrote:If all you guys know how to do is hate and curse each other, Minetest's community is done for. oOChainLynxOo was not wholly in the wrong, you know. Now, I am starting to see with my own eyes why he left.

No, don't worry. It's just some normal human interaction and misunderstanding. Happens all the time when people meet each other - sooner or later.

IceAgeComing wrote:Currently having amazing time friends drowning the bees, haha.

Poor bees :-) I'm going to found a save-the-bees organization! :)

Neon wrote:There is nothing else that can profitably come out of this.

Well, probably not. I still hope that both parties understand that "the other side" is not as bad as they think.
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Re: Xanadu Server

by auouymous » Fri Oct 16, 2015 06:32

Sokomine wrote:
NaoKat wrote:That is where you are wrong. Games are fine, I would never say anything like that in real life, in a public place. Its a game, and what people can do, is IGNORE IT

There used to be that old set of rules for the Usenet, before the WWW became popular. The most basic rule was "remember that there's another human beeing sitting at the other end of the linie".

But the human online can't punch or shoot you in the face, that changes everything. And the definition of "coward" is someone who would do something online that they would not do in real life.

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Re: Xanadu Server

by TenPlus1 » Fri Oct 16, 2015 09:49

Have asked forum admin if I could have privelages to delete entries within Xanadu forum page, then we can clear up the pages of arguments (if it's possible).

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Dragonop » Sat Oct 17, 2015 01:16

TenPlus1: I don't really think that's the way... even if offtopic, it shows how problems are managed on Xanadu, and how patient the admins are. Not in the cleanest way, but certainly it's not 100% bad.
It could serve as an example for other players. And all this will be forgoten when a new page comes up after some other posts.

edit: +1 for Sokomine...

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Re: Xanadu Server

by TenPlus1 » Sat Oct 17, 2015 07:20


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Re: Xanadu Server

by CroGamesVP » Sat Oct 17, 2015 21:37

NaoKat wrote:
neri2 wrote:Then you certainly do not understand society if you actually believe just because no one can see your face makes it right. As for jail, as I said, if you did that at any of the places listed the police would be involved not if you were watching a tv show. I will not even try to explain why society allows even such things as sex on tv as opposed to not, since you did not understand my comment you need to actually spend time thinking on these things for yourself ( a little introspection would do you much good). As for your being crazed about humor there are many types yes, crude among them however there is a time and a place for all things this is neither the time nor the place (meaning a childs sandbox game).

I never said if no one can see your face it makes things right. Read what I said again xD And you obviously don't understand what happened. I understood your comment completely. It doesn't matter if it was the wrong time or place. Minetest isnt meant specifically for children. Its for all ages, meaning you can have what you want on it. There was nothing stated, saying I couldn't say what I said, I ALWAYS follow the rules on places I like. There was no rule against what I did, there was nothing wrong with it, the mods just overreacted and decided to make their own rules.

NaoKat, it's true this is family server Dragonop is write here is KIDS! ,and moderators and admin .You can t do that this is no way! You can t type that on server! Server have kids for 10-15 year

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Re: Xanadu Server

by botch » Sun Oct 18, 2015 18:32

firefox wrote:the great penguin shall bless you neri!
i was thinking hard about "to reply or not to reply, that's the question ..." but you did it very good.

since this forum thread should represent the server, i feel like i must post an interesting screenshot to cover up all this and move the attention to something else.
so here is an interesting one from my collection:


I have not yet seen an actual moon (or sun) just a square block. Do I need to download something to see the moon like this image? (also the mini radar is pretty awesome too)

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Re: Xanadu Server

by CroGamesVP » Sun Oct 18, 2015 19:50

botch wrote:
firefox wrote:the great penguin shall bless you neri!
i was thinking hard about "to reply or not to reply, that's the question ..." but you did it very good.

since this forum thread should represent the server, i feel like i must post an interesting screenshot to cover up all this and move the attention to something else.
so here is an interesting one from my collection:


I have not yet seen an actual moon (or sun) just a square block. Do I need to download something to see the moon like this image? (also the mini radar is pretty awesome too)

WOW how can have radar and moon in Xanadu?Where i can have it?Give me link

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Xanthin » Sun Oct 18, 2015 20:45

botch wrote:
firefox wrote:the great penguin shall bless you neri!
i was thinking hard about "to reply or not to reply, that's the question ..." but you did it very good.

since this forum thread should represent the server, i feel like i must post an interesting screenshot to cover up all this and move the attention to something else.
so here is an interesting one from my collection:


I have not yet seen an actual moon (or sun) just a square block. Do I need to download something to see the moon like this image? (also the mini radar is pretty awesome too)

Look for VanessaE's hdx texture pack, thats where I got the moon and sun textures from.
The mini radar is part of the mini map feature in minetest 0.4.13. Get it with some pressing of F9.

PS: I really like this texture for the round minimap. You maybe will like it too. Note, shift+f9 toggles between round and square look.

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Texan » Sun Oct 18, 2015 21:53


Love that place!

PS: I really like that moon, too. :)
-- Texan :)

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Kelena » Sun Oct 18, 2015 23:31

#Photobombed by Kelena hahaha
Love and nodes, Kel~

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Re: Xanadu Server

by firefox » Mon Oct 19, 2015 07:39

i got my sun and moon from the John Smith texture pack. (all other textures are default)
the minimap overlay i use, is from the forum: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13035&hilit=minimap
the default one does not have the compass directions and the position mark.

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Re: Xanadu Server

by twoelk » Mon Oct 19, 2015 09:17

The "Textureable sun and moon" thread is about adding custom textures for those. Also take note of my saturn replacement for the moon in that thread or the orange in Wuzzy's Weird subgame.

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Re: Xanadu Server

by botch » Tue Oct 20, 2015 01:39

Okay, the F9 thing is AWE-SOME...now I'm still not certain about the moon thing, I can't get that to work

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Bonny » Tue Oct 20, 2015 09:19

Kelena enjoying laying on grass next to flowersImage
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Re: Xanadu Server

by IceAgeComing » Tue Oct 20, 2015 19:26

Today is Bonny's birthday. So we decided to have a little party in minetest style.

Here we are having lava orb collecting competition, ended it with group selfie. Playing with you guys was so much fun! Congrats to Kelena for winning twice!

Here's bonny with her birthday present on two pictures:

Happy birthday Bonny! May you have lots of cupcakes in your life!

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Texan » Wed Oct 21, 2015 02:15

Happy birthday, bonny!! :)
I had so much fun at your party:


Look at this one! Not only does it show the Birthday Girl, it shows a flan sporting nametag, "Kelena".


Bonny totally deserved this party! :)

Btw: WOW to the huge gift!
-- Texan :)

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Dorje » Wed Oct 21, 2015 15:07

@naocat if u want to speak if u weren't the one who did something wrong then /msg or /tell the player (/msg <playername> <message> simple :D
but anyway i dont want to get involved on this thing ...

i have to say this sad thing viewtopic.php?f=3&t=13458&p=195719#p195719

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Re: Xanadu Server

by firefox » Wed Oct 21, 2015 17:33

don't ruin bonny's birthday by bringing that up again.

bonny-chan, somewhere is Sol Sanctum there is a hidden pizza.
if you find it, i'll give it to you. =(^.^)=
(sorry, no cupcakes, but if you don't eat the pizza, you can later trade it for a cupcake.)

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Bonny » Wed Oct 21, 2015 18:04

firefox wrote:don't ruin bonny's birthday by bringing that up again.

bonny-chan, somewhere is Sol Sanctum there is a hidden pizza.
if you find it, i'll give it to you. =(^.^)=
(sorry, no cupcakes, but if you don't eat the pizza, you can later trade it for a cupcake.)

it was actually iska who found it haha
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Re: Xanadu Server

by firefox » Wed Oct 21, 2015 18:25

congrats! i will bring it to your mailbox later.
and if i i find a cow, i will trade it for a cupcake right away.

iska is back? =(0.0)=
the real iska, not "L"ska (lska) ?
i need to get back to Utgard and correct my failed window in the Underworld Library before he sees it ...

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Glorfindel » Fri Oct 23, 2015 02:22

Wow bonny, Happy Birthday!
Too bad I missed the party XD

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Re: Xanadu Server

by BlueFireIceUn » Sat Oct 24, 2015 08:02

Happy birthday bonny. Sorry, I was in holidays that days ;(
Blue who loves you all but mostly someone :)

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Glorfindel » Tue Oct 27, 2015 15:04

Hey Ten, could you add chatplus to the server?

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Re: Xanadu Server

by Inocudom » Fri Oct 30, 2015 20:05

Could you add the player skin shown below to the skins mod on this server? It's from http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/splatoon-inkling-male/ and was modified by VanessaE to work in Minetest.
InklingBoy.png (2.36 KiB) Viewed 2693 times

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A little review of Xanadu :-)

by noob101 » Sat Oct 31, 2015 07:22

Hey everybody,
I very recently paid this server my very first, but certainly not last visit. Please allow me to jot down a few points as a little bit of a review of my experience.

At first, like on many other servers, I was pretty much completely lost. Thankfully (and fit for my name xD) there is a noob place to get started comfortably. There I was also welcomed by another player who lent me a hand and handed out a few basics, like a cactus armor, if I wanted them or not :-) I accepted of course, but I would've been able to make that myself at the public cactus farm, but hey... On the other hand I also was given a steel sword, certainly good enough to start with. Thank you!

Thus equipped I went out in search for an open space to settle down - and found none. The near surroundings are very occupied. Here I'd ask for an admin to maybe unprotect and advertise abandoned builds for reuse?
However, I decided for a direction and walked straight on for some time until I found a fairly remote spot I liked. On that walk I discovered a bit of that HUGE diversity of the place - awesome. Much I do not know yet, but much I like already.

The rest is quickly told, I simply started to settle in. One funny thing to remember, very much so for a beginner at a server, is when another player gave away free diamonds at spawn. Very generous. Thanks!
I also had a bit of a chat with others, no complaints here, everybody nice and friendly so far!

Now for a few thinks I did not like:
  • The server crashed. A few times. Not fun.
  • The inventory is imho not the best. I like the big Unified Inventory I know from other places FAR more.
  • NO FASTMOVE, second biggest issue. OK, the boots, but still - it's a basic imho. Especially crossing water is a pain!
  • Last and worst: Seriously, ONE MINUTE to retrieve your bones? To pickup new equipment (if you have) or call out for help (if no equipment), get to the place again, kill that dratted monster and finally pick up your stuff? SERIOUSLY? Gotta be kidding, right? Noooo?

OK yes, that WAS a fun killer (especially since I did not know beforehand!), losing your valuable diamond tools as a newbie isn't cool at all.

Now I'd like to hear your opinions. But please leave me alive, thank you.

Have fun, noob101

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Re: Xanadu Server

by firefox » Sat Oct 31, 2015 21:43

Now for a few thinks I did not like:

The server crashed. A few times. Not fun.
The inventory is imho not the best. I like the big Unified Inventory I know from other places FAR more.
NO FASTMOVE, second biggest issue. OK, the boots, but still - it's a basic imho. Especially crossing water is a pain!
Last and worst: Seriously, ONE MINUTE to retrieve your bones? To pickup new equipment (if you have) or call out for help (if no equipment), get to the place again, kill that dratted monster and finally pick up your stuff? SERIOUSLY? Gotta be kidding, right? Noooo?

first, welcome to the lands of Xanadu.

server crashes are indeed unfortunate, but they happen much less often now. (performance is steadily improved)

the inventory has the same number of slots as always.
unified_inventory has a long loading time and displays a lot of buttons that are not usable by normal players.
therefore it is not used.

for fast move, you have to get crystal boots. you need 8 mese and 8 crystal spikes to make them.
to cross water, you need a boat (5 wooden planks).

to protect your items, you can use bags.
bags are made of leather, which can be collected by huntig tofu-cows.
tofu-cows fight back if you attack them, but with your cactus armor you should be fine.
alternatively you can buy bags from iska's shops in the Noob Area and yellow path. (bring tree trunks).
your crafting grid is also a safe place.

bones don't exist here. if you die, your inventory items drop on the ground.
(just like when you kill a mob)
every item that lies on the ground disappears after a minute (or was it 2 minutes?).
this is to keep nature clean and reduce lag.
use bags to save your important items.
or put them in the crafting grid, it's the same as a bag.
your armor is also safe.

and lastly some tips for PvP:
Players are safe inside protected areas. only the owner of that area and the Players listed on the protectors can attack other Players there. so if you fear to be attacked in the wilderness, keep a protection block with you that you can place to guard yourself when an opponent appears.
this does not apply to monsters, they can always attack you.
although the exploding fireballs of Dungeon Masters and Lords cannot destroy protected blocks.
so you can also use protectors to prevent them from blasting the ground beneath your feet.

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Re: Xanadu Server

by TenPlus1 » Sun Nov 01, 2015 20:45

Well said firefox :)

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Re: A little review of Xanadu :-)

by Neon » Mon Nov 02, 2015 03:54

noob101 wrote:Thus equipped I went out in search for an open space to settle down - and found none. The near surroundings are very occupied. Here I'd ask for an admin to maybe unprotect and advertise abandoned builds for reuse?
However, I decided for a direction and walked straight on for some time until I found a fairly remote spot I liked.

That is a good idea, unprotecting abandoned (and low-value) builds so others may use the space. But that has the problem that somebody has to make a judgment call about what is abandoned (and low value) enough to release. This could very easily create a sore spot with some players.

Remote areas where one can build are not very difficult to find. There are four roads that lead away from spawn, and you merely have to walk far enough along them to find road-front real estate. Alternatively, there are a few stargate-like teleport areas, that will send you to certain areas that are far from the roads.

Additionally, there are a few rare places that people are willing to share (where they have built something, and they will let you have a small portion to call your own if you stay with the theme they have made). An example of this third sort of place is the Space Station, many of the "towns" (Midville, Noobville, etc), and Spawn II. However, the people who built these areas can sometimes be rather particular about who they let build there. I have found that you can get "street cred" by making some sort of awesome build (say, build a huge statue or recreate something out of fiction). Then people know that you have the skills to enhance the area they share with others.

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Re: Xanadu Server

by firefox » Mon Nov 02, 2015 07:27

the Burning Lands also have free space, but the public farm and mine there were lost when the Cursed Mountains appeared. there are neither trees nor edible plants in the Burning Lands, so you have to bring some resources and occasionally move out to gather materials.

if you like red grass and fire, feel free to join us.
(the roads will be expanded if need. only the Burning Road is a dead end because it leads to the Cursed Mountains)

to get there, go through the green path at spawn, then use the Iron Stargate behind the tree farm.
then go to me2's shop and use the Subway. (there is a stair with lots of fire, you can't miss it)
then take the railway to the left. (bring a minecart, it's too long to walk)

there are only 3 rules in the Burning Lands.
i hate cobble cubes. you must have at least the skill to make a house with roof, door and windows.
i hate holes. if you want dirt or sand, craft it from cobble or get it somewhere else.
the volcanos are a holy. if you break them or spill water near them, divine wrath will fall upon you.


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