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Re: Jungle

by Gundul » Tue Nov 10, 2015 05:35

- News -

server will be shutdown today from 4pm UTC to 5pm UTC
for backups and mapgen.

If server should be up in this time, better do not login because
risk is high that everything you build or do will be lost.

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Re: Jungle

by Gundul » Mon Nov 16, 2015 18:04

-- UPDATE --

Thanks to our player TheMiner. I could install a missed update of the moreblocks mod.
What is new is that now the circular saw can do slopes and is working faster. No more
searching in the craft guide, straight out of the saw.

Thanks to TheMiner

and happy mining


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by Gundul » Sat Nov 21, 2015 14:27

-- UPDATE --

I added all our food to the hbhunger mod. That means any kind of food and drink will give you more
or less points to the hungerbar. I tweaked the values so that the more difficult to craft the more points
you will get. On top is beer and ale, because its long process to brew. Tankards are stackable now until
10, but will be consumed when drinking.

Your healthbar will be 100% when you have 30 points. From 20 points upwards your health will be

Here a list of our food and the points you will get eating it:
+ Foodlist

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by Gundul » Sat Nov 21, 2015 17:45

Our world is steadily growing and I thought it would be time to post some pictures
of it and its buildings from our diligent players.

+ Our growing village of LagoonCity with shops and public market

+ Deep orcish Mines !

+ The Mansion and The Sequoia Walk

+ The Seaside Villa

+ Technic stuff

+ OpenLab with demo installations

+ power from water

+ geothermal power

+ FillsCafe

+ Villa with ship on the Coral Islands

+ Tempel der Morgenröte (Temple of Dawn) where you can offer roses to make the sun rise

Thanks to all players for spending time and energy to make our world grow.
Last edited by Gundul on Sun Nov 22, 2015 16:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Beer Mod

by Gundul » Sun Nov 22, 2015 08:38

-- UPDATE --

Some of you might already recognized that we had two types of sugar. bushes:sugar and beer_test:sugar.
These two were not compatible to each other and somehow inconvenient. I deleted the beer_test:sugar
because it was only good for making mead grain. The other sugar can be used for all baking stuff we have.
Mead grain can now be made from bushes:sugar. So only one type for all :)

Hoshi found out that there is a bug. When filling tankards never hit the barrel with a stack of tankards, because
if so you will only receive one tankard of beer, The 24 remeining empty tankards will be lost :(
I will look for a solution for this. Until then better fill one by one. Full tankards can be stacked until 10.

happy mining


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New Mods fireworks and diet

by Gundul » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:51

-- NEWS --

Many of us wondered about that much sulfur in our lava caves, but no use for it.
Now there is. Thanks to crazyginger72s firework mod:


Only thing I had to do was changing the recipe. So now you need sulfur and coal dust to craft
the fireworks. There was also an issue with purple dye, which is called magenta in jungle. But that
was easy to solve.

The other mod, Diet, is from rubenwardy:


Originally written for "better hud and hunger" I ported it to work with our hudbars and hbhunger. Also
I implemented our foodpoints from hbhunger mod. This mod is about bringing more realism to our jungle.
It means when you only eat one type of food your stomach will ache and the more you eat of that type the
less foodpoints you will get until you change your diet.
Please report if there should be any issues with this mod.

Happy mining


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new fishing mod

by Gundul » Sat Dec 05, 2015 05:55

+ readme.mt

keeping this short, cause unreliable internet conn in asia

keep it or back to the old one ?

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by Gundul » Sat Dec 05, 2015 15:23

--- NEWS ---

hunger temporaly shut down. Issue after entering the new fish to it. Will be fixed when
find some more reliable internet.

happy mining Gundul

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by HeavyTruth » Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:46

Gundul wrote: --- NEWS ---

hunger temporaly shut down. Issue after entering the new fish to it. Will be fixed when
find some more reliable internet.

happy mining Gundul

Hey Gundul, Do you remember my friend name crackynut? It said you ban him and the reason diam! well my friend dont understand indonesian and could u unban him?

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Problems solved

by Gundul » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:40

--- UPDATE ---

Hunger und Diet mod are up and running again.
Also I added all new fish from Crabmans fishing mod to hunger/diet lib.

Link to the new fishing mod:

happy mining


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Fixed basic_food hungerpoints and new mod barbecue

by Gundul » Wed Dec 09, 2015 15:19

--- Update ---

thanks to Orc, hungerpoints of the basic_food are fixed now. For example pasta, soup and some cakes.

New we have the Barbecue mod.


I changed recipes, so it works with our mods. Please remember this is for trying first. All new food
is not entered in hunger/diet lib so far, but will be soon if we should keep it. So far just try out.

coming soon PIZZA :)

happy mining


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Fishing Trophies

by Gundul » Sun Dec 13, 2015 06:14

--- UPDATE ---

A short newsbreak, for our fishing mod. The reason for having
fishing trophies in the inventory but no way to craft them was,
that they had been deactivated in the code. Now its possible to craft
them again as usual, with one of your caught fish and a sign.


We have a post office now in Lagoon City, where you can put your mailbox.
Please tell me if I should have forgotten to add someone to the area

happy fishing,


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New mod "Locks"

by Gundul » Thu Dec 17, 2015 05:51

--- Update ---

We have a new mod called "locks" from sokomine.


This will provide shared doors. The doors are not stackable, i tried to change that, but code is not made
for stacking.

To open your door you need a key, it does not have to be wielded, just somewhere in your inv.
Same for the doors of your friends, you need a keychain in your inv.

Rightklick on your door opens a menu, type /help for further instruction there
Leftklick opens the door if you have a key/keychain
The lock is for crafting the doors.

hope that helps


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Gundu you rocks ;)

by TheMiner » Fri Dec 18, 2015 09:59

Hi Gundul and Jungle CubeHeads ;)

Thanks Gundul for a SUPER cool and stable server, it feels like home. Talk about the players there.. they the best you can get!!

Gundul you always willing to try some new.. bend and code here and there.. Bravo mate you Admin out of this world!!!

Thanks for all the time you put into the world :)


(-: Dig a hole and build a Empire :-)

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by Gundul » Fri Dec 18, 2015 13:50

--- Warning ---

As anybody can read in rules here or ingame. Digging in protected areas is not
allowed and will not be tolerated. So anybody playing here open your eyes. Area
is chown in lower left corner if belonging to somebody. When digging a node accidently
you get a warning in chat, and NEW it will hurt you.

take care and respect the work of our players


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Santa spotted

by Gundul » Sun Dec 20, 2015 06:01

Christmas comes near, and I spotted Santa recently near our nice christmas tree from fillforget.
If you have any wishes you may write him a mail, and if you have been a good boy (or girl) maybe
your wish will come true. :)

/mail Santa your wish here

And do not forget to set up your mailbox.

Santas best friend


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by Gundul » Tue Dec 22, 2015 01:31


I do not know what happend exactly, but my host is doing some work on serverfarm.
My server had a total reset this morning, which is a sign that their system had
crashed, also database file is corrupted now. I have no time to fix that right now
because moving to Indonesia today. Server will be down for today and tomorrow also
until i have Internet again, to fix this. Maybe we have to return to last server backup file.


[edit] I got confirmation from my Host now, that their vServersystem crashed in US. We have two
options now, i can try to fix sql-database error, or failback to last serverbackup image which is
from 21.12.2015 06:33:26UTC. So all work after that time would be lost, but server running again fast.

comments welcome

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Re: Jungle

by TheMiner » Tue Dec 22, 2015 09:22

NP Gundul, i think best is to roll-back on backup database.. then we know we save with stable and 100% database ;)

No worry's .. we bring 100% you part ;) if you have Internet heheh..

TheMiner out

(-: Dig and build a Empire ;)

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Jungle ONLINE again

by Gundul » Wed Dec 23, 2015 07:54


Thanks for your comment Miner. I did it just that way, there was no chance to repair database from
here, Got Internet again since this noon, but only 3G and share it with the hole town here in
Indonesia. Do not even think about down- or upload 5Gb of databases :)

So sorry for all your lost work for the last day, i will send a complaint to my Host, but that does not
will bring back of what we have been lost until their system crashed.

happy mining


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This is what my host said to his system crash

by Gundul » Fri Dec 25, 2015 04:03

--- Host system crash, the answer ---

As I told I complained to my Host because their sudden crash and leaving the database currupted
which makes as loose a whole days work.

Here is their answer.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage.

Ausfall im RZ Sant Louis betrifft unsere vServer Hostsysteme, das mit Ihre SQL Datenbank ist eher ein zufall, hat aber wenig mit Ausfall zu tun, zumindest ist dieses nicht nachvollziehbar.
Leider kann es immer mal zu Hostsystem Probleme kommen, dieses können wir leider nicht ganz auschließen.
Weniger probleme haben Sie mit unsere Dedizierte Servers da diese einzelsysteme sind.
Dedizierte Servers gibt es bereits ab 18,99 € pro Monat, wenn Sie möchten können Sie gerne auf ein Dedizierte Server Upgraden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

To translate this to english, they say that the hostsystem of the vservers had crashed, but that they do not think
that this has something to do with the corruption of the database, that must be coincidence. (!!)
There can be problems with their vservers from time to time and it would be more safe to upgrade to dedicated

If anybody unsure about corrupted databases, please read this

In my opinion, they say that data is not safe on their ververs, and even on their dedicated servers i would
only have less problems. Maybe it is time to watch out for a new host ???

Any suggestions of reliable hosts welcome :)

Merry Christmas und happy mining


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by Gundul » Sat Dec 26, 2015 08:18

Now Jungle is getting really -HOT-

I have extended the farmingredo mod, so now we have growing chillies :)
no recipes so far, just can grow and eat them. Any food i will add later but
i need some help. You can see from chillie textures that i am not really
talented in painting and design, so if anyone can do this better please help :)
For upcoming food also i would need someone, who can help me with the textures.

The huge tree fern, used to give almost no saplings. Now he does, each crown gives you one.

And after months, we now have a use for lead. I added recipes to technic mod. The RE Battery which
used to be a dry cell battery, is now also craftable as wet cell battery. Please look in inventory for

For help in texturing please contact with PM or ingame

happy mining


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New food and plant

by Gundul » Sun Dec 27, 2015 08:30

--- New food added and we have garlic also ---

I wrote extension of the farming_plus and added garlic. It takes 7 stages to grow and you will get garlic from
which you can make seeds. I will put a few seeds in everyones mailbox in postoffice, same i did with the new
chilli seeds from yesterday.

I extended food mod also, so now we have 2 new foods which are:

Pasta Aglio Olio = which gives you 10 Hungerpoints (5 Icons)
Rujak = which gives you 6 Hungerpoints (3 Icons)

Rujak is an indonesian spicy fruit salad. The recipe I used is not autenthic ! Usually there is no banana strawberry and no orange, but tropical fruits like guava, papaya, peanuts and such. Also palm sugar we
do not have.

But spicy it is ! :D

Enjoy the new meals and happy cooking


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Found sirous bug in farming mod

by Gundul » Mon Dec 28, 2015 07:49

Serious Bug in farming_plus mod

just some minutes ago, found a bug in farming_plus mod, leaving the server in a
crash loop and deleting the map.sqlite file. from 4.5 Gb to 0 :(

Server will now fail back to yesterday 6p.m. UTC

I will not post here what happens in detail bc people could use it to
crash all servers with that mod. Now try in Singleplayer first if it is
reproducable and then will contact the writers of farming_plus.

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Re: Jungle

by Naj » Mon Dec 28, 2015 17:09

A good way to save disk space :p

Can we go on building ?

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Re: Jungle

by Gundul » Tue Dec 29, 2015 02:53

Naj wrote:A good way to save disk space :p

Can we go on building ?

Hallo Naj

yes, building can be continued. The bug needs a very unique combination of nodes, which makes
it very unlikely to happen if you do not know which one.

Also Server is backed up every morning and evening, to make loss as low as possible, if something
should happen.

happy mining


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by Gundul » Fri Jan 01, 2016 06:41

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New year 2016. All the best for the coming year
may you find lots of gold and diamonds and all your
machines running smooth. In reallife and in Jungle also.

Beginning with the new year I am happy to introduce some
new mods and updates/fixes:

Beer_test mod:

new tankards, can be made of glass or tin ingots


fix that diet did not complain about eating bbqued food
all the time


all raw meat and fish can be stacked until 99
small eggs 30
bih eggs 15
bones 99

NEW MOD (WIP) indo_food:

my first own mod adding indonesian food

- Mie Gomak (so called Batak Spaghetti) 15 HP

Mie Gomak look like Spaghetti and are make from maizena(corn four)
cooked in coconutmilk with carrots, spices and lots of chilli.
This food you will only find in North Sumatra in area of the Batak
people. Often eaten as breakfast and very cheap (0,30€)

- Bakso 15 HP

typicall indonesian noodlesoup with meat or fishballs. Add chilli and
soysauce yourself and enjoy.

-- Lupis 15 HP

This is a sweet Snack made from stivky rice. Raw sticky rice is wrapped
in banana leaves and shaped as triangle. Then cooked a long time. Finished
cooking leaves are removed and raw coconut and palmsugar sirup added.
sweet and tasty

NEW MOD (WIP) technic_plus:

I started writing this mod to add new features to technic

- MV_geothermal

this is a copy and paste from technic:geothermal but gives you MV.
1 unit will give 1k EU when running at 100%

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100 days in Jungle now

by Gundul » Mon Jan 04, 2016 08:00

--- 100 days in Jungle ---

today Jungle server is up for 100days. So time for a little update.
From now on you can make artificial clay. You need sand, desertsand
dirt and tarbase for it. The artificial clay can be compressed to get

Please look in inventory for recipe.

happy mining


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by Gundul » Wed Jan 06, 2016 05:40

--- Update ---

Fixed, bug that growing rope and terrycloth_towel had same recipes

added the following recipes:

6 sunflowers can be made to oil_extract

water_bucket and water source can be cooked to river_water
(water_source can be made from thin_ice which you may find in some caves)

Minimap is turned off by server. With more and more player coming to Jungle, it uses too much CPU and
causing lag when only a few people turned it on.

happy mining


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by Gundul » Sat Jan 09, 2016 07:40

--- UPDATE ---

-- installed new mod plasticbox for colored nodes when building

-- deinstalled locks which had shared doors, because nobody using it

MBB was suggesting to install Fachwerkmod of his brother:

if anybody else would like to see that in Jungle please write here or ingame.

Happy mining


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Re: Jungle

by everamzah » Sat Jan 09, 2016 07:55

Gundul wrote:Minimap is turned off by server. With more and more player coming to Jungle, it uses too much CPU and
causing lag when only a few people turned it on.

I didn't know that the server had to do extra work for the minimap. That's really sad because it's such a nice feature. I thought it only caused extra processing for the client, and only when they had it on... Wishful thinking?


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