"just test" server

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Tue Feb 23, 2016 15:08

gold_digger wrote:Well, seems Life is really cheating now. Using their Sheriff powers to steel stuff, and IP rotating to keep his powers.
Lag, the last 4 mods (AdminTNT, CityBlock and Sheriff, City Jail ) have all been counter productive towards preventing greifers and cheats. In fact, its made it worse. TemaX (Life's Friend) and Life able to take land by using grouped AdminTNT to remove Protector blocks. CityBlocks preventing placing of water and having nice buildings. Now you've slowed down burn. I guess next will be removing burning completely. Making City Blocks pointless. Sheriff allow grouped abusers to gang together, keep each other in power, Life rotating his IP (observed by two players). Gives them ability to kill, then prevent player returning for their bones. Then Finally City Jail abusers tormenting, building and causing someone to accidentally hit them, before they retaliate causing that player to go to jail. Now that is a laugh. PlayerGirl hated that one. You can no longer defend your ground or griefers, you have to watch them or get sent to jail. Finally, Life is making spawn very pretty with billions of protectors and cobble. What a wonderful world it is without administrators. I know lag has never really cared for this server. But it used to be a fun and full family server. Now its just annoyances and everyone is leaving. Good job Xanadu, Extream and France servers is there for us to have an alternative life.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTH8GKty6hQ<--I made a video in case those of you reading haven't seen this.

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Re: "just test" server

by Fixerol » Wed Feb 24, 2016 20:49

Self-moderating server should have strong anticheat, I see that same person is now flying slowly, tries to place lava sources above, etc. Unfortunately there are no mods that deal with slowflyers.

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Re: "just test" server

by TemaX » Thu Feb 25, 2016 08:00

I made movie, do you want see? :) --> https://youtu.be/w6IzgBFiAQY

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Re: "just test" server

by BlueFireIceUn » Thu Feb 25, 2016 21:06

lag, keep people plant sapling under spawn and watrer griefing over spanw (made by edub the water griefing). You should destroy water source
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Re: "just test" server

by Fixerol » Thu Feb 25, 2016 22:28

Looks like edub possibly griefed the spawn with lots of water, he made protected water slide with opened end that flowed water on cobble water spreader above spawn (not sure if water spreader part is his work).

There should be protected city block above spawn at height ~100 to prevent such griefs.

Edit: removed the water successfully, but slide with it still there.

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Fri Feb 26, 2016 00:33

No. I like lava and water sources. Makes nice decorations.

City Blocks protect from -4? blocks under them all the way up to infinity. So some City Blocks placed by others are now only local backup for if or when my City Blocks get destroyed.

Spawn has City Blocks surrounding it now. That's why edub had to use the waterslide to get the water over spawn.
It is possible to have made it without fly priv but difficult and takes time to do.

Donations of mese and City Blocks will be cheerfully accepted by gold_digger (843jdc) to help protect spawn better.

TemaX - Nice video. Poor sneke :(

Maybe if lag placed a few protection blocks under spawn that would stop the jungletree plantings?

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Re: "just test" server

by asia1444 » Thu Mar 03, 2016 20:51

Thank you so much for taking my opinion into consideration and removing the mod that allows players to see what's in eachothers hand. Me and other players who play on mobile can see players better now! It makes it much easier to play on Just Test when players don't black out your screen, haha. Though IDK if you know what i'm talking about. I'd have screenshoted it, but my kindle cant do that.

Thanks a bunch!

P.S. TemaX, I love your video!! It's very well done :)

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Re: "just test" server

by Fixerol » Tue Mar 08, 2016 16:25

So, as I expected, your sheriff system has problems with rogue players, experienced it myself:
I was walking on spawn with few looted wooden pickaxes, "sheriff" Zeg appeared, approached me and killed without warning, after that I was immediately kicked by him from the server, after relogin he kicked me again, after some time I've managed to login, my bones were still there, so I've taken them back just for fun.

So Zeg sheriff scum scheme is this: rogue sheriff looks for player with potential loot, kills him, kicks him from the server and checks his bones, if bones has nice loot, kick until bones expire.

Another thing is edub and other guest players probably from the same gold_digger-like family of cheaters with water griefing over the spawn.

So, your server has not only long lasting cheaters that are not banned for some reason but now rogue sheriffs as well, I dislike that.

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Re: "just test" server

by rnd » Tue Mar 08, 2016 17:10

i know right, its not like anyone saw this coming :)

Re: "just test" server
by rnd » Tue Jan 26, 2016 13:34
1.sheriff: seems ppl who become sheriff like to abuse powers a...

1.quick voting is the way to go, also there should pass some time before "ip" is allowed to vote again.
2. and prevent killing inside players protected home or at least make it hard ( each attempt to dig hurts)

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Tue Mar 08, 2016 18:31

My suggestion is to update with newer protector, set spawn to no kill zone.
Remove the sherrif thing.
add code to sanitiser to delete doors, chests, vending, water, lava, gravel, and sand. Also have an emergency override where you have the ability to re sanitize without restart.
Add city block code to stop water and lava from pouring into the zone.

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Tue Mar 08, 2016 20:12

I don't know about allowing City Block Owners to escape jailing. Might be best to move the jailing code to the protection block code. If City Block owners are immune to jailing, then gold_digger(me) will soon be immune anywhere near spawn. I'm sure there are players that would not like that :) Sandstone takes a lot of bones to make :(

Edub's mission seems to be to harass players. He tried to accuse gold_digger (me) of griefing spawn. Besides the logs showing differently, only he could remove his locked chest allowing the water to pass through.

If a player used world edit to delete gold_digger's(original) supply room as maikerumine said, why can't the admin use it to remove all those locked chests and steel doors at spawn?

The sheriff system isn't working as intended. With edub griefing spawn, it is strange that nobody uses the voting system to kick him. I tried to shut down his water slide but couldn't because he has it protected. At least he is using water and not lava. So maybe he is a 'good' griefer :)

Fixerol - I'm sorry I voted for Zeg now. We've been trading votes. No more votes for him.

I could make voting tables and down-vote a lot of players just to try to limit the sheriff abuses. But if I do so and then we really need a sheriff, I won't be able to cast a vote for someone that I down-voted.

rnd - quick voting:
I assume you mean voting within a certain amount of time? That's a good idea. Default would be to have no votes for anyone. If there is a 'call-to-arms' against a griefer, allow say 5 minutes for votes to be cast to vote a sheriff to handle the griefer. But how long should the sheriff stay in power? The griefer may keep returning over several hours. Maybe have a time limit and players cast votes as needed. Definitely allow down-voting to remove sheriff from power if the sheriff starts thinking he/she is god :)

Voting should be anonymous for up-voting and down-voting. Don't even show the voting coordinates. Then players can vote without fear of retribution. Bonus: You can remove one of the voting buttons.

Speaking of updates, it would be nice if the carts mod was updated. Being able to steer a cart onto the desired track at an intersection would be really nice.

If spawn is set to a no-kill zone, several players that have other players kill them to quickly return to their beds and/or restore hit points would be disappointed. Myself, I'm tired of being jailed because players are too lazy to walk back or carry food. So spawn being a no-kill zone is a good idea. Also players new to the game/server can have a chance to look around without being immediately killed.

rnd - You are good at making and changing mods. Or maybe I have you mixed up with someone else. But:
It would be nice if we can find a way to not have so many protection blocks all over the place. Example: Let's say a player has a 3x3x3 or larger grid/array of protection blocks. If the player removes the protection blocks within the outer rows of protection blocks, then the area would not look so cluttered. The problem, as I see it, is that another player can place something on the inside fast enough so that 4 items are placed before the first three are removed allowing that 4th item to be used as a 'brace' that can be used for him/her to place their own protection block(s) within the original players' protected area. I use that trick myself to get out of a hole that I fell in that is protected by someone.

I don't know how to explain this. But the idea is to disallow placement of that 4th block. To do that, the server would have to remember what the player did prior to the placement of that 4th block. This won't work if the protected area isn't air. Maybe cause player damage to the player trying to do this. Three attempts = death.

Of course one use of admin's tnt would open the entire area up for a takeover :( But disallowing admin tnt stacking would prevent players from removing other players protection blocks as needed or wanted. JustTest is also known as The Chaos Server so we can't do that can we? :) "For every mod fix or change there is a corresponding opportunity for a new method of exploitation." I'm starting to really hate this game haha

Long post :)

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Re: "just test" server

by BlueFireIceUn » Wed Mar 09, 2016 15:40

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Wed Mar 09, 2016 17:38

Dude... This server has become a shitshow. Spawn was leveled and a "CleanerPro" placed pro blocks all over. this is griefing extreme.

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Re: "just test" server

by rnd » Wed Mar 09, 2016 21:26

new effective "owner" and "admin" of just test is hard at work ( here blowing up my protected spawn house (which had city block) using tnt)
i dont really play there since my hotel was blown 1 year ago up but still. really quite a coincidence he started blowing up when i come to server ( using other name). This is what happens if you dont have good anti cheat on server and tnt explosion increases in radius when more tnt together...

admin_at_work.jpg (72.88 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
Last edited by rnd on Wed Mar 09, 2016 21:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "just test" server

by Fixerol » Wed Mar 09, 2016 21:28

Extreme Cheater Minetest. Fix it or close it :}

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Wed Mar 09, 2016 21:51

THIS IS GARBAGE. LAG WHY???? Why do you let these people do this???
You can fix this problem by updating yout 4.10 tnt to the newer and using tenplus1 protector... geeesh. And BlueFireUns village is COMPLETEY leveled. This is fair gameplay???

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Re: "just test" server

by lag01 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 05:59

Looks like things are going really bad on the server...
Especially duplicating cheat and this new "place tnt whenever you want" cheat(i confirmed in logs, CleanerPro really just placed tnt at spawn, no errors of some sort, he just placed tnt:tnt and nothing has stopped him). And for both those cheats i don't have any details how they work.
Sadly, but those griefers-cheaters know minetest better than us...

Well, i should have lot of free time this weekend, so i will be doing updates and also try to sort things out.

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Thu Mar 10, 2016 15:44

lag01 wrote:Looks like things are going really bad on the server...
Especially duplicating cheat and this new "place tnt whenever you want" cheat(i confirmed in logs, CleanerPro really just placed tnt at spawn, no errors of some sort, he just placed tnt:tnt and nothing has stopped him). And for both those cheats i don't have any details how they work.
Sadly, but those griefers-cheaters know minetest better than us...

Well, i should have lot of free time this weekend, so i will be doing updates and also try to sort things out.


you can stop all this now by updating your tnt and protector code to latest.

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Re: "just test" server

by BlueFireIceUn » Fri Mar 11, 2016 21:16

lag, you're being too nice with bad people. Be good admin and take privs so finally someone will respect you cause now, you thi k kick is good but ban is sometimes necessary against cheaters. If you don't want be bad then name someone who is many times on to ban cheaters when he sees some
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Re: "just test" server

by stoneminer » Fri Mar 11, 2016 22:06

This server is becoming ruled by griefers, cheaters, and griefer/cheaters. That's one of the big, if not only, reasons I left just test for good. I'm not coming back.
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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Sat Mar 12, 2016 14:49




I am sorry to offend you in advance.
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Re: "just test" server

by Dragonop » Sat Mar 12, 2016 17:11

Check minute 33:51 on maikerumine's video.

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Re: "just test" server

by BBmine » Sat Mar 12, 2016 19:18

CleanerPro's bed and nyans.
Gravel randomly in my garden.
Maikerumine's garden is completely destroyed.
Maikerumines_Garden_Gone.png (770.68 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
Gravel_in_Garden.png (500.58 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
Cleaner_Pro.png (290.92 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
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Re: "just test" server

by BBmine » Sat Mar 12, 2016 19:28

Maikerumine's house destroyed.
Maikerumine's house destroyed close-up.
Maikerumine's shop destroyed and fake admin tnt.
Maikerumines_Shop_Destroyed.png (258.22 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
Maikerumines_House_Destroyed_Close-up.png (310.52 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
Maikerumines_House_Gone.png (474.21 KiB) Viewed 3937 times
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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Sat Mar 12, 2016 20:44

Maiki's video: Rated 'R' for Strong Language :)
I don't blame maiki for cussing. I am also and so are many other players.

I see that JustTest is down. GOOD! I hope lag is working on the problems. Being an admin can be time consuming and aggravating. I wouldn't be surprised if after 3? years of running the server that lag is getting bored of it and wants to do something else. If he shuts is down permanently, I hope he gives notice so that players can use local_map _saving to save their creations. d-l-k.net shut down before I knew of that config option. Everything I built there is lost :( Except for a few things, its no big loss.

The JustTest server is wildly popular. I think because of the simplicity and that kids can just have fun wacking away at each other :) Though public chat can get quite R rated at times.

I told CleanerPro that I like WHAT he is doing but I don't like HOW he is doing it. If I could do what CleanerPro is doing, I would limit myself to unprotected areas and protected areas of players that show unknown for /last-login such as player poor1. And making the railways passable by walkers. Even that might not be a good thing to do.

Suck-ups: Players do what they have to do to protect their creations and hope that CleanerPro doesn't destroy them. I have a lot to lose. I also wanted to see what he is doing and how. There are several players wanting space to build. A few "pests" repeatedly want me to ask CleanerPro for areas then give it to them. Did CleanerPro threaten to destroy maiki's tall new shop? I'm glad he didn't. Nice looking building. I hope Life gives him the area above his trees.

Admin tnt is a bad threat. But that takes time. What CleanerPro is doing is being done in MINUTES. IDK what to say. I think it all comes back to the protection block system. I prefer the areas mod. But kids don't always know how to use it and lag likes anachy so.....

CleanerPro is harming players and that is wrong. If someone attacks me, I don't enable cheats to win. I will enable fly if I'm not interesting in fighting to escape though. Fly up to a high spot like a protection block. There. Safe. Fight over. You won, I lost. But I can go back to doing something else. I did find that another player has placed prot blocks under some of my areas. I think I have a guardian angel protecting my areas :)

Making stone and cobble transparent is very useful to do a quick look around for admin's tnt. I haven't found any thankfully. Not sure what I could do about it if I did find any.

I tip my hat to CleanerPro or whoever made his/her cheats. Good job of making cheats. But a very bad way to make use of them.

My making cheats could only at best allow me to fight to a stalemate and harass a griefer. I would much rather spend time making enhancements to the game itself for my and maybe other players enjoyment. Moving the chat window to my second monitor is a big priority. I want to make other changes to the chat system also: Player name highlighting, ignore player, and a search function. chat2 works only for future posts, not for previous posts. Then Elysian and others can spam chat all they want and I can still see to play. I know I can use F2.

Good thing about what CleanerPro is doing: He is destroying a lot of protection blocks that the original gold_digger placed in various places for reasons unknown to me. Since I doubt if I want those areas, now I don't have to find and remove so many prot blocks. I only want 3 areas: The shop, the roller coaster and public mine, and a spot for asia. As of now, she doesn't need that spot because CleanerPro gave her an area. Both the roller coaster and public mine needs major repairs. After I finish stocking the shop.

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Re: "just test" server

by The_deaths » Sun Mar 13, 2016 01:06

I think lag should keep the sever up. Just add some Admins that can be trusted. Because all the stuff we have worked on and all the players that have just join to make creatios would be a lost

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Re: "just test" server

by The_deaths » Sun Mar 13, 2016 01:08


BlueFireIceUn I agree some what but u should give him a chance he does the best he can. TBH I would of closed down long ago

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Sun Mar 13, 2016 02:45

JustTest will vanish one day. just like all other servers. If you want to save your creations, set 'local_map_saving = true' in your minetest.conf file. Then walk around and in what you want saved. After that, it is up to you to find a way to permanently save it and use it elsewhere. Remember to turn off local_map_saving else that can use up a lot of memory.

I've noticed that at least one player is NOT happy with what lag and the original gold_digger is doing. Elysian complained that gd was doing something and lag 'fixed' it. gold_digger was claiming property so that those areas can be returned to their original owners. Elysian lost his land grant from our decently disposed dictator so of course he complained :) haha

I need to see what I have saved using local_map_saving. Maybe I can help restore things. I do hate to see the mess restored though :/

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Re: "just test" server

by gold_digger » Sun Mar 13, 2016 03:18

Actually the bug lag saw was very dangerous. You could remove any block you wanted with it. I actually removed CleanupPro's locked chests and about 0.001% of his land is now reclaimed. I noticed it when I died on track and it removed the track for my bones. But you lose everything in your bones too :(.. Oh well, 30 pro blocks lost. But then it gave ability to actually do some reclaiming :). I was tempted to test it on lags spawn, but didnt want to destroy anything nice with it. just get the land back before its noticed or Cleaner comes back on.

We need to map out the nice buildings that were there for rnd, and under yololo and ngr's build, and Another's shop. these are iconic landscapes of spawn.

I lost quite a lot in my chests near spawn. But its worthless anyway. Hope the exception causing server failure gets fixed. Means I'll get more work done if its offline!

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Sun Mar 13, 2016 03:47

MIKIE MIKE has been busy!
same ip as esm.
port 30003, keep it secret, interact only go see if this backup has your builds. from there we can figure out how to get into the main server.


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