"just test" server

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Re: "just test" server

by BlueFireIceUn » Sun Mar 13, 2016 06:19

-Yes guys, maike server is better than lag's ACTUAL server.
-lag should remove TNT's mod cause it's how CleanerPro can put TNTs so we have to done admin TNTs and TNTs cause we know admin TNTs at the second of burst become tnt so it burst.
-lag has to clean CleanerPro's password then take his account to remove all his items
-lag has to takes privs of people with /revoke CIeanerPro interact (/shout) so he can't speak or he can't destroy blocks. Same for all cheaters at least. (PS : it's CIeanerPro with a i who is cheater, not the other one I saw).
-lag has to break Life and TemaX's protections just cause they are cheaters.
-lag has to regenerate map for maikerumine's house and garden, BlueFireUn's full house, his pyramid, his village, all houses destroyed by CleanerPro (the most important of them), Lacey and Katniss' house...)
-I love maikerumine's video cause it totally prove that we can't stop watch CleanerPro doing something that why we should take his privs .
-but there will be new cheaters coming soon if we let server like this. We have to call some moderators to take care of them or a 2nd/3rd admins to be sure an admin will be always here.
-lag has to /grant lag WorldEdit so he can regenerate world got destroyed

I know that a big text (rare from me lol) but it's more like a list of taskes lag will have to do for server. He did the task for protection who got switch into the good one. So now, he has to do all that
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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Sun Mar 13, 2016 06:36

"lag has to ...", "lag has to ..."
Yes, you lost a lot BlueFireUn. Guess what? So have a lot of other players. I'm just no longer the last one that had it happen to. And seemingly ignored.

If lag "has to" do all that what about restoring gd's storeroom and all it's contents? What about asia's mansion that got griefed? Or anyone else's place that ever got griefed in the past?

That won't happen. The purpose of this post is to point out that:
lag doesn't HAVE TO do anything. If he does anything so that players like to play there, those players should thank him for his efforts. Thank maikerumine also for having the backup that might be able to be used to restore some things. I know I do.

You might want to think twice before complaining about anyone using no_clip and fly. Do you like nycancats and nyancat rainbows? They look pretty, don't they? Lots of players want them. Without cheating there would be extremely few of them around and I doubt if any of them would be in a machine being sold for a paltry 99 gold bars. Get rid of cheating and the true price should jump up to about 10,000 gold bars each.

Do you want to buy protection blocks without having to mine for mese yourself? Same thing applies. BTW, prot blocks will be available very soon :) Nyancats already are available mostly because I have what gd gave me and that wasn't lost in his destroyed storeroom. I refused to sell when I didn't have a supply of them.

I mine far from spawn with nobody else around. I also stay pretty close to my "base" so as not to go under anyone nearby or that might move in nearby.

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Re: "just test" server

by asia1444 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 15:35

New textures look nice; however, my kindle can't take that much. Haha. I guess that's my cue

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Re: "just test" server

by asia1444 » Sun Mar 13, 2016 15:49

I think it's interesting how the people who CAN player any server on the list complain about every little detail on JT. JT is the ONlY server I can play, and the only thing I complained about was how I couldn't see players, and instead they block my screen when they get near me. And even that was almost a year after it started. Even backbone server is fun. No pro blocks. Everyone there builds and expects there place to be destroyed the next day, haha.
Anyway, JT is an awesome server and in my opinion, if u want fancy textures and players to behave perfectly, go to ESM or something. JT seems like a "everyone can play here" server. And it's true lol, everyone CAn play there because there's no fancy updates

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Sun Mar 13, 2016 16:54

asia has a wee bit of anger because she can't play there yet again :( I understand.

lag - I don't know what you know so I'll state a few things that I hope that you will consider. Besides what I've already mentioned.

Beds don't work anymore for respawning there after death.

If asia can't log in, I think other players can't either. If they could clear the cache on their devices that might help. Maybe you can also remove some items from the crafting guide that was added by the new mod updates? What about removing the desert sand and desert stone items? Has anyone other than you been able to make it? Except Life and maybe Temax. If we can't buy it or make it, it shouldn't be there IMHO.

Were you reading my PMs last night? Strange how I mentioned something in a PM, then the server shut down for a while., When it came back up, I noticed a change in what I mentioned in the PM haha.

Short post for once :)

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Sun Mar 13, 2016 22:51

Lag, what the fork is cleanerpro doing back on your server?

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Re: "just test" server

by Dragonop » Sun Mar 13, 2016 23:26

Without xban mod and revoke it's going to be impossible to actually ban a player

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Sun Mar 13, 2016 23:41

Dragonop wrote:Without xban mod and revoke it's going to be impossible to actually ban a player


Well here is spawn only backup:

If you need help merging this into your world Lag, I know my way with world edit. Just send me the current map and I can add these bits. Loooong daunting task.

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Re: "just test" server

by rnd » Sun Mar 13, 2016 23:45

Lag, what the fork is cleanerpro doing back on your server?

Why, managing
his huge new spawn base in his office
of course... What else should he be doing? :) (at the moment of posting)
cleanerPro2.jpg (82.44 KiB) Viewed 4050 times
cleanerPro.jpg (102.98 KiB) Viewed 4050 times

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Sun Mar 13, 2016 23:50

WOW.... amasing build there... he sure knows how to make spawn better.


/revoke all CleanerPro PLZ

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Re: "just test" server

by lag01 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 06:25

I need CleanerPro alive, at least for some time - to observe if he still can use his cheats and to what degree. Also i want to see, how much he lied to me about his good intentions of making spawn better - he must be smart enough if he have modified his client like this, and looks like he have lot of free time to do this.
After all, i can just restore all destroyed buildings to different place...

About combining worlds and restoring buildings - worldedit is not working for me on such large volumes, i am using this opportunity improve my python script for map merging.
About taken over spawn - there is no point just removing CleanerPro or Life's protection blocks, than anyone else can took over spawn again. First i need make graceful server shutdown script, not just kill process like i am doing it now, to prevent one of item duplication possibilities. And also need would be good to somehow change protection mod to prevent those greed arrays of protectors.
Ok, work week started for me, i will return to this in evening.

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Re: "just test" server

by rnd » Mon Mar 14, 2016 09:27

"Douchebag A demolishes building by B."

What would proper response by a proper admin be:
"Remove douchebag A and restore building by B."

What we got:
Instead of restoring building by B and disabling douchebag A lets just "go ahead" and wait till everyone forgets about it and play "negotiation" with douchebag A to waste some time.

Here is some more bullsh*t:
+ Spoiler

With attitude like this who wouldnt want to make nice complex buildings on this server?
And i would like to "use this opportunity" and "go ahead" and
recommend everyone to play on serious servers with proper admins and clear rules not some cheater/griefer playgrounds.

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Mon Mar 14, 2016 13:52

rnd - If lag or someone with the kick and/or ban privs was there 24/7, I would agree to remove douchebag A ASAP and keep him off. As it is, he has a valid point. "Know Your Enemy" is a good thing to do when conducting a war. Make no mistake, lag IS at war over control of his own server! At least if he wants to continue making it available for other players to use. I see what you made near spawn courtesy of the spawn backup on maikerumine's server on port 30003. Pretty.

First, Thank you VERY much for stating that you ARE working on the problem. Lots of players are wondering what to do. I tell them to wait to do anything major but to keep playing.
Problem with "Know Your Enemy" is that the enemy can hide his capabilities while you try to gather intelligence or even give you fake information.

A player I know states that he dies while using stairs underground. Too many false detections.

Deadlier now :( Some false detections. I once made it up to 300 without dying though. Too bad. I wanted to take a screenshot from way up high.

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Re: "just test" server

by lag01 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 17:50

843jdc wrote:no_clip:
A player I know states that he dies while using stairs underground. Too many false detections.

Thanks, found and fixed that one. Will post later on github.

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Mon Mar 14, 2016 17:55

I noticed life was a good patron and was removing a lot of his protectors. Good job buddy. :)
Cleaner pro was adding nice grass around the joint. Hood job buddy!
And it seems that this community as a whole REALLY care about your server.
I would like to help in restoring some regions, I have a solid year experience with world edit, know some tricks and am thorough.

I know ram allowance is an issue I can use my 32gb machine at lunchtime to work on offline map.
I love and cherish this server despite not being there so much, why do you think I make a clone to host ESM? It is because I love this server and everyone on it.

JT is the original hardcore survival, nothing can compare nor will be better.
Maybe active admin would be better;) but it is a ton of work. Believe me.

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Re: "just test" server

by lag01 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 18:18

rnd wrote:-"After all, i can just restore all destroyed buildings to different place." : why different place?

For long time already i though of moving spawn, or buildings from spawn to different place, to prevent server looks like "museum", where new players can look, but cannot touch anything. Of course, this this is not applicable while cheaters can make as much protection blocks as they want.

rnd wrote:"Remove douchebag A and restore building by B."

Good strategy, but i also want to find bug, which was in root of this and make mod to fix that. Also mod to "restore building B". And maybe mod, to make life of douchebags An lives harder.

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Re: "just test" server

by Dragonop » Tue Mar 15, 2016 11:22

Lag: What "bug" are you searching for? It's not a bug that makes you fly, it's a modified client that disables the checks for privs, afaik

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Re: "just test" server

by lag01 » Wed Mar 16, 2016 06:30

Dragonop wrote:Lag: What "bug" are you searching for? It's not a bug that makes you fly, it's a modified client that disables the checks for privs, afaik

I am starting to understand, how item copy bag may be working. Recently there was too much user profile files, like 36000, and my bash script has started giving errors "Argument list too long". So must-be profile was not saved, so item copying was possible. Now i cleared that folder to 7000 files.

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Re: "just test" server

by edub » Sun Mar 20, 2016 21:50

Is anyone having issues with gameplay & graphics with latest server changes? My stairs appear and act just like a cobblestone node. I have to jump to climb on them rather than walk forward like you normally would. Also, Steel doors appear as a square node, and I can't walk through the doorway at all. Glass nodes are invisible. Maybe I need a fresh install.
That should be a steel door
Screenshot2.png (155.33 KiB) Viewed 4049 times
Those should be stairs
Screenshot.png (137.43 KiB) Viewed 4049 times

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Re: "just test" server

by edub » Sun Mar 20, 2016 22:07

edub wrote:Is anyone having issues with gameplay & graphics with latest server changes? My stairs appear and act just like a cobblestone node. I have to jump to climb on them rather than walk forward like you normally would. Also, Steel doors appear as a square node, and I can't walk through the doorway at all. Glass nodes are invisible. Maybe I need a fresh install.

I realized the distribution I was running was 0.4.10. I updated Minetest to 0.4.13 and all works fine. Carry on. :)

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:48

I watch the server lists and have noticed a large decline in the number of players.

From what I'm hearing, some players can't play on JT anymore because their mobile devices don't have the memory to hold the textures of items that have been added to the server during the updates.

Others are fed up with what has happened to spawn and what they made. Me for one. Nobody knows what is going on with the server. Will things be restored or left as they now are?

Maybe after all this time lag has had enough and is ready for other things. After all, running a good server takes a lot of work.

With the loss of players, not knowing what is going on with stopping players like CleanerPro, or if spawn will be restored or left like it is, I think it is time for me to walk around my builds using 'local_map_saving = true', give gold_digger his account back, and move to another server myself.

Lag - I thank you for allowing me to play on your server. Though aggravating at times, it has been a lot of fun.

If I get a positive response from lag, I might reconsider. Else RIP JustTest. It's been a blast :)

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Re: "just test" server

by Fixerol » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:20

People who have "die on login" bug, should update to newest builds or use stable 0.4.13
Last edited by Fixerol on Sun Apr 10, 2016 22:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "just test" server

by BBmine » Sun Apr 10, 2016 22:21

As a goodbye to Just Test, I have bombed my country house.

I was a bit too close when I blew it up, so I died before I could take a picture.

TNT2_Explosion.png (438.38 KiB) Viewed 4049 times
TNT1_Aftermath.png (473.21 KiB) Viewed 4049 times
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Re: "just test" server

by lag01 » Sat Apr 16, 2016 18:03

Well, to finish this completely, my assigned IP address has changed :P
I think, until i can devote enough time and energy to fix and improve server, there is no point to keep it in that half-dead state it was last weeks. There are many other good servers, especially Mike's, who tried to make use of all the good experience from "just test" and took it to completely new level.
So, server will be off for severals weeks, and then i hope to come back with renewed energy and new ideas.

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Sat Apr 16, 2016 19:59

Thank you for letting us know what happened to your server.

Who is Mike and where is his server?

I'm sure there are many players that will be happy to see JustTest back online and eager to put your new ideas to good use. And likely many eager to find exploits in them hehe. Oh well.

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Re: "just test" server

by BBmine » Mon Jun 27, 2016 02:41

I'm currently working on a subgame based on this server. Here is a list of mods I currently have in the subgame.

alias (for turning protector_mese:protect into protector:protect)

I know there are some mods missing like mobs. Can someone post a link to lag's mobs? Also, it will need the just test mapgen. If someone could post the code/mod that would do that, I would appreciate it.
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Re: "just test" server

by Fixerol » Mon Jun 27, 2016 17:09

BBmine wrote:I'm currently working on a subgame based on this server. Here is a list of mods I currently have in the subgame.
I know there are some mods missing like mobs. Can someone post a link to lag's mobs? Also, it will need the just test mapgen. If someone could post the code/mod that would do that, I would appreciate it.

His mods are here: https://github.com/AndrejIT?tab=repositories

I disagree with your list, first of all "just test" mods were outdated and sometimes slow (vendor), what you need are modern replacements arranged as modpack, not a subgame (so it can be used on newest minetest game):
My preliminary list for modpack:
protector redo (with all features included but range of 3 blocks, is it really justified as 3, and not as 5 which is default?)
mobs (original stone monsters + oerki) or mobs redo
boost carts (most usable carts mod I believe)
bone_collector (crafts for bones)
craft_guide (from x-decor, old one is bad and outdated)
teleports (original or from tenplus1)
stairs redo (by tenplus 1, introduces corners)
wool carpet
smartshop (instead of very outdated and slow vending machines)

I'm strongly against unprotected spawn, it gives big headaches with griefers (so spawn is totally protected) and spawn_sanitiser is not included in modpack, so my advice is avoid it and make usual protected spawn with list of rules. I would not include sheriff_voting since it was actively exploited. I also would not include cobble_bomb and admin_tnt (less ways for exploitation).
"Just test" used mapgen v7 with disabled biomes via config, look in minetest.conf.example for mapgenv7 settings.

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Wed Aug 10, 2016 00:16

I miss you ......

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Re: "just test" server

by 843jdc » Wed Aug 10, 2016 02:01

Me too :(

I wonder if lag has ever logged into Cash's World or ESM and I just never knew it was him? Some admin advice from him would be nice. Along with finding out how to read the map.sqlite file from outside the game :) Finding out if a player name has prot blocks or locked doors and chests would be awesome in deleting some of the 20,000+ player files.

Oh well. If he ever has logged into CW, maybe it's best he don't say so. He might not like 'hero worship' xD

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Re: "just test" server

by maikerumine » Wed Aug 10, 2016 15:48

I missed it so much, that this happened...

https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=15334\ port 30002


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