InfinityProject wrote:Great ideas I hated how people would spawn mobs. The sponsors could drop in items by paying with rupees.
My ideas for the games are that each person gets 3 lives and once you die 3 times you're out. The arena isn't too large so they can't go too far away. Not only are there items at the cornucopia but in chests all around the map. The players could build whatever they want to protect themselves but are not allowed to dig anything but these structures. The arena was generated pretty amazing with a perfect spot for the cornucopia under 2 mountains by a lake. I would also assign Gamemakers who could spawn vombies or anything like that. Would you like to be a Gamemaker?
InfinityProject wrote:I have a certain spawn area and players are not allowed to go near it while their in the game.
And Yea! Tomorrow the server will be up at 4:30 to 5:30 Atlantic time. Hopefully this will work for you.
InfinityProject wrote:You can set the timezone in your profile just set it to Atlantic. The server will be up at the same time everyday until It's ready.
InfinityProject wrote:I could have it open until 6:00 Edit: how do you post pictures, I could show you my progress.
InfinityProject wrote:Cool The server is up now if you want to see it. EDIT I won't be on. If you join you should start in the Arena. I will be in the Capitol.
InfinityProject wrote:try this ip
InfinityProject wrote:the version I am using is 20120122 and silly me I had hamachi closed try the old one again.
InfinityProject wrote:probably
the firewall for it is down because my friend can get on.
InfinityProject wrote:The group is InfinityProject15
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