Bad Performance

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Bad Performance

by v3nd3tta » Thu Jun 16, 2011 18:49

Okay, I've expected this project, as I found it today and played a few hours as a better than mc alpha.
But yet I've been experiencing some laggy thingy in a window, which I can only maximze, doesn't have fullscreen etc.

I'd like to:
- have a setting to show and hide the debug info (including the window bar fps counter)
- have some settings IN-GAME (a GUI OPTIONS MENU) to tweak, even if it requires restarts.

Bad Things I experienced:
- Found at least 2 "Bugs" or behaviour how it won't work to be like MC
1. When you fall you can just crouch to get no damage from the ground before you hit the ground
2. When I joined in my buddy's Server I always spawned at least 2-3 Blocks UNDER the Position I exited.
I solved it with a "Spawn Box, just 2 rooms above each other, but it's still a bug

Also bad:
- I have bad Hardware Performance
Let me Explain -
I got a AMD Athlon 1600-LE 2.2ghz 64-bit, 4gb ddr2 ram, enough hdd space, A modified Ubuntu 11.04 (called PinguyOs 11.04.2) in 64-bit, my NVidia 7950 GX2 is fully supported there, getting around 125 fps in other games (which is max in most)
Here in MineTest-c55 I get around 30 FPS at the beginning, I don't host the Server, I am online on one, but after some time discovering new chunks, I get around 10-20 fps, which is very bad.
Then one time I tried to use the mumble-overlay while playing with my m8, and I had in the Beginning around 40 fps, wtf?
The "Toggle Fog" or Reload chunks thing doesn't give me my 30/40 fps back.

So is it caused by the 32-bit executable which might be packaged?
I might be able to compile 64-bit for you guys, as there is no option to select the bits.
and ty 4 reading ^^

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by jrwr » Sat Jun 18, 2011 02:24

Its because on Win32, it defaults to OpenGL Mode, Find your minetest.conf and add this

video_driver = direct3d9

(Or direct3d8)

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by v3nd3tta » Sat Jun 18, 2011 13:05

As you might not have read, I am running a 64-bit Linux, the Distro is PinguyOS 11.04.2 64-bit.
As I know Linux has no Direct3d. Or just direct3d-support in WINE (windows emulator).

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by mstoykov » Sat Jun 18, 2011 19:45

same exp here though with different nvidia (maybe driver's problem).

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