sapier wrote:ragnarok can you be a little bit more precise about that conflict? thx
14:17:26: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
14:17:26: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from
14:17:26: ERROR[main]: /home/radek/.minetest/mods/minetest/roof/init.lua:
14:17:26: ERROR[main]: /usr/local/share/minetest/builtin/deprecated.lua:7: attempt to call field 'traceback' (a nil value)
14:17:26: ERROR[main]: =======END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
addin_mods creative doors fire give_initial_stuff stairs wool
bucket default dye future_ban legacy vessels
ambience food plantlife
animals_modpack-1.9.11 hunger riesenpilz
animatedfluids inventory_plus sethome
biome_api item_drop snow
boats Jeija-minetest-mod-mesecons-ec07fc2 stairsplus
bones minetest_kill_mod teleporters
butter minetest-skins-master throwing
cactusmod modpack.txt torches3d
chep moreores treegen
deathsound npc walking_light
diamonds obsidian workbench
drowning particles worldtime
farming pipeworks
4aiman wrote:Here's the video: (I wanted to make a *.gif, but it's size were too huge and this video is only 647 Kb)
And here is the model:
shouldn't zombies get "healed"
no won't work this way as soon as server will notice player entered mob and sends updated mob position you'll already be far inside entity. So the only way to do this would be "react" if player is still at some distance ... better solution by far would be entity<-> entity collision handling in server.About collisions
Rancon wrote:I meant how do you program something in 3d
I put tnt in water, fishies moved incredebly fast straight up into air.sapier wrote:Disappearing is a feature as animals are checked to be in correct area but it shouldn't have gone up that far.
Rancon wrote:I put tnt in water, fishies moved incredebly fast straight up into air.sapier wrote:Disappearing is a feature as animals are checked to be in correct area but it shouldn't have gone up that far.
sapier wrote:Animations aren't identified by name but by start ad endframe. This is not mobf but minetest behaviour. Mobf assigns a name to those animations but value of this name doesn't matter.
following names are most common used:
sapier wrote:10) velocity based follow movgen (what you call butter creeper) ... I'll have a look at it but still changing speed at once doesn't seem to be right in my oppinion ... it's the easyest solution true, but there has to be a way to do it acceleration based too. But of course I have to admit follow movementgen isn't quite as good as it should be.
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